當前位置:成語大全網 - 新華字典 - 英文翻譯高手請進


We all know that it is a common phenomenon for all peoples in the world to have belief and taboo in certain numbers or dates.In our daily life,people often have a preference for certain numbers or dates and believe that they will bring good luck for them.Yet at the same time people taboo some numebers or dates considering that they will bring bad luck ,unfortunateness and adversity.

It is obvious that people endow numbers with a kind of mystery and reckon that they can infulence weal and woe(禍福).Indeed this is a suspicion,but as it is in grain(根深蒂固),until today many people still believe in it.

It is interseting that foreigners don't care about numbers or dates which we Chinese like or not,but we may have completely opposite idea about those foreigners like or not.So it is interesting to make some comparison in such aspects.