昵稱: Hello Kitty
性別: 可愛小女孩 (漂亮的小女生)
生日: 1974年11月1日
星座: 天蠍座 (和原創作者相同)
血型: A型
出生地: 英國倫敦
身高: 5個蘋果高
體重: 3個蘋果重
性格: 開朗活潑,溫柔熱心,調皮可愛,喜歡交朋友
專長: 最擅長打網球, 鋼琴也彈得非常好
最拿手廚藝: 歐洲田園風手制小餅幹
最喜歡的事物: 喜歡聽童話故事,收集各式各樣美麗可愛的小裝飾品,有糖果、小星星、小金魚,尤其以蝴蝶結為最多,喜歡和許多好朋友壹起到公園或森林去玩 。
最喜歡的食物: 媽媽親手做的蘋果派&鎮上面包屋叔叔的愛心面包
最喜歡的科目: 英語和音樂
最佳的代步工具: 喜歡騎著粉紅色的三輪腳踏車去公園玩耍
最有魅力的重點: 左耳上戴著紅色蝴蝶結, 還有壹個圓圓的小尾巴
最甜蜜的夢想: 跟丹尼爾在壹個浪漫的海邊小教堂結婚
未來的願望: 希望長大後當壹個偉大的詩人和鋼琴家
性格: 是所有小女孩的綜合體-倔強而不易被討好,但卻又溫暖可愛。 活潑開朗,喜歡交朋友,勇敢、倔強,總是喜歡扮演大人,即使自己受到傷害,也希望身邊的人 都開心。
個性: 她的字典裏沒有"隨便"兩個字,盡情揮灑生命,不留白。 說起話來特別強調R音,自然而不造作,讓人感覺特別溫暖、開心。
Kitty的生活: 壹個精力充沛的小女孩,Kitty 很愛在戶外玩,在公園或者森林, 還有Kitty 也很喜歡彈鋼琴、打球和烤蛋糕做些小點心之類的.
住在英國倫敦近郊小鎮的紅屋頂小白屋,是兩層高的平房,離倫敦市中心 (泰晤士河) 20公裏的地方。小鎮上約有2萬多人口,祖父母居住在附近壹個森林裏,只要壹天的時間就足夠步行過去。放假時,爸爸會開車戴著家人壹起 去探望爺爺奶奶。Kitty的學校位於倫敦市,離家要4公裏。Kitty每天都乘著巴士上學,只需過三個站即可到達.
Kitty的雙胞胎妹妹,所以長得和Kitty壹模壹樣。她頭戴著粉黃色蝴蝶結,很討人喜歡,個性很害羞也很戀家,是個內向的小貓。喜愛跟奶奶學習作手工藝,常常會幻想長大成為壹位幸福的新娘子。 作為雙胞胎的妹妹,MIMMY與KITTY的個性大相徑庭,內向、文靜,是個喜歡作家事又顧家的女孩子。想分辨Mimmy和kitty的不同就要看頭上的蝴蝶結,Mimmy的蝴蝶結綁在右耳上(就是妳看到的左邊)。
爸爸-George White(佐治維特)
媽媽-Mary White(瑪麗維特)
爺爺-Antony White(安東尼維特)
他是壹個很有學問的爺爺,曾去很多地方旅行,知道很多偉大的故事。很愛畫畫,常帶著畫具到處去畫畫。並且會講許多美妙精彩的故事,經常說好聽的故事給Kitty & Mimmy聽.
奶奶-Magaret White(瑪家烈維特)
·About Hello Kitty: (personal details)
Hello Kitty was born on November 1st 1974, in suburban London, England.
She is very energetic and loves to play outdoors, in the park or forest. But you can also find her happily practicing on the piano or baking a cake, too!
Kitty lives in London, England with her mother, Mary, dad, George, and twin sister Mimmy. Kitty is curious whereas Mimmy is shy.
Hello Kitty symbolizes generosity, innocence, kindness and most importantly... friendship
Her friends are Cathy, Tippy, Joey, Jodie, Fifi, Tracy, Tiny Chum, Rory, Mory, Tim and Tommy. Both Hello Kitty and Mimi are in 3rd grade. They have many friends at school and, together, they share many adventures. When school's out Hello Kitty travels the world making new friends.
Her generosity and kindness endear her to everyone she meets. Her favorite thing is do tea parties and her hobbies include music, reading, eating the cookies her mother bakes, and best of all making new friends. Like she says "You can never have too many friends."
She weighs the same as 3 apples.
·Hello Kitty History:
Hello Kitty is a global, billion-dollar enterprise, but where did it come from? Hello Kitty is the biggest selling brand of the Sanrio Company Ltd, which was founded is 1960 by Shintaro Tsuji.
Hello Kitty is part of the Japanese pop culture of "kawaii" (cute). It all started in the early '70s. Sanrio was trying to develop its own in-house design department. The president, Shintaro Tsuji told his group to draw animals. In 1974, a young designer named Yuko Shimizu came up with the design for Kitty, which Tsuji said left him with a "not too bad" impression. The first product produced was a small clear vinyl coin purse. The products quickly caught on and dwarfed the rest of the company sales with in a year or two.
Unlike most American characters, whose use and design is tightly controlled, Kitty changes constantly. Each year, the designers come up with a new theme for Kitty, plaid one year, in pink another, a princess with a tiara in other years, always giving the obsessed collectors something to want.
There are currently about 22,000 Hello Kitty products on the market. Sanrio produces and markets more than half of them, but about one-third are made under license by hundreds of other companies. Each month, Sanrio takes 600 products off the market and replaces them with another 600 items. Some are shuffled for seasonal reasons. Beach sandals in summer, down quilts in winter, back-to-school bags in autumn. But many are taken off because they don't sell and to keep the lineup fresh.