/ d?k; d?k/ v
[I, Ipr, Ip, Tn, Tn.pr, Tn.p] move (esp one's head) down
quickly, to avoid being seen or hit 迅速低下(尤指頭)(以免被看見或被打中): I
saw the gun and ducked under the window. 我見到槍就迅速俯在窗下. * Duck your head down! 低下頭!
[Tn, Tn.pr] push (sb) under water for a short time
使(某人)浸入水中片刻: Her sisters ducked her in the river.
[Ipr, Tn] (infml 口) ~ (out
of) sth avoid or dodge (a duty, responsibility etc) 躲避, 推脫, 推委(任務﹑ 責任等):
It's his turn to wash up but he'll try and duck out of it.
輪到他刷鍋洗碗, 他卻想法兒逃避.