Currently , the logistics distribution mode of large chain supermarkets mainly includes self-distribution mode, directed distribution mode by manufacturing enterprises or supplier , normalization logistics distribution mode and third party logistics mode . This article analyse the key links of logistics distribution and related business process , also point out the problems in current process , first , from the requirement analysis based on logistics distribution system of RFID , confirm the target of system ; Second , from the aspects of system analysis and design , design for the logistics distribution system based on RFID .In system analysis , mainly complete to make business process analysis , data flow diagram analysis , data dictionary and system test plan based on the logistics distribution of RFID .In system design , mainly complete modular structure design , code design and database design of logistics distribution system based on RFID , complete the logistics distribution system based on RFID .
The final part of this article is the summary and future prospect on logstics distribution research of large chain supermarkets.