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對不起~ crazy是insane(瘋) mad是angry(生氣) 其他: like-resemble(像) famous-reknowen(有名) done-finish(完成) rank-odor(臭) nauseating-disgusting (作嘔) 還有很多..............例不完

參考: 頭腦,字典

Happy: Ecstatic 狂喜的 Felicitous 幸福的 Cheerful Pleased Gaiety 快樂

興高采烈 Geniality Glee快樂 Delighted Euphoria心情愉快;興奮 Delectable 令人愉快的 Sad: Sorrowful Downcast Dejected Unhappy Woeful悲哀的 Depressed Disconsolate哀傷的 Melancholy憂郁 Somber憂郁的;悶悶不樂的 Crazy: Insane Be out of one’s mind Lose one’s senses Go mad Go amuck殺氣騰騰地;狂暴地

cheerful pleased delighted glad ecstatic joyful merry sad unhappy depressed in despair upset downcast miserable blue melancholy sorrowful crazy insane mad *can mean angry and insane* unreasonable irrational out of control uncontrolled

參考: me

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