Setting:The King`s castle.King`s armchair is empty.Queensits in herarmchair,reading. King enters. King:Where are all of our servants?They are so lazy.
Servant:Yes,sir.What can I bring you?
King:I need,no,I must have,my(gives a serious look at Servant)important papers. (sits down) Servant exits,coms back in with a pile of official_looking papersand gives them to King.
King:What are these?(throws them at Servant in anger)No,no,no,bring my important papers!
Servant bows,dashes out,come back in with anewspaper.
King:No,you fool!(tears the paper in two)
I must have my important papers RIGHTNOW!!! Servant exits,comes back in with a magazine.
King:Ahhhh!(takesmagazine and runs after Servant.Servant runs away)! It`s an emergency!(to Queen)Tell him,dear!
It`s an emergency!(to Queen)Tell him,dear!
Queen:Umm,(standing,announcingofficially)the Kingrequires his important papers.It`s your duty to bring them to him. at once.(to King)OK? King moves around inchair,looking uncomfortable
Queen:Are you okay?You seem...anxious...
King:I`m fine.I just need my(with a serious voice)important papers.
Servant bursts in,next toQueen,empty_handed and looking worried.Queen points to a dictionary,or posteron the wall, Servant runs to get it and presents it to King.
King:NoNoNoNo!That is not right.Someone must be able to bring myimportant papers!
Queen tears a page from her book and offersit to King.He glares at Queen.Servant dashes out,
comes back in with something behind hisback.
Servant:Sir?(holds out aroll of toilet paper)
King:Yes!My VERY important papers!(runs off stage as fast as possible,running into people and things onthe way out)