當前位置:成語大全網 - 新華字典 - 魔獸中各個種族的各個英雄和小兵說的英語是什麽?


不行呢,兄弟,字數限制 10000字,






第壹: -=亡靈=- 軍團


- the damned stand ready! 詛咒者就緒!


- my life for nazul! ner ''''zhul萬歲!(nazul應為ner ''''zhul,ud的老大,下同)

- i wish only to serve! 服從是我的天命!

- thy bidding, master? 您的命令,主人?

- where shall my blood be spilled? 我的熱血應撒向何處?

- i bow to your will. 服從您的意願。


- yes, master! 是,主人!

- i gladly obey. 我樂意服從。

- my fate is sealed. 我的前途是未知的。

- thy will be done! 您的意願已完成!


- this is the hour of the scourge! 天罰的時代降臨了!

- death shall cleanse the world! 死亡將清洗大地!

- all i see is blackness... oh, my hood''''s down. 我見到無盡的黑暗…噢,我的頭


- let blood drown the weak! 讓血海淹沒弱者吧!

- my life for aiur! uh, i mean nazul! aiur萬歲!啊,我指的是ner ''''zhul!

- the living be cursed! 詛咒生者!

- would you like to know the secret to eternal happiness? page 246. 想知道永恒的


- once you head down the dark path, forever will it dominate your destiny! and

you get dental. 壹旦妳步入黑暗,它會永恒支配妳的命運!


- [.vs 英雄] i am sanctified! 我被凈化了!

- death shall reign! 亡靈支配壹切!

- fear the reaper! 在死神面前顫抖吧!

- let life cease! 生命,終結吧!

噬屍鬼 - (註解: 所有其他音效都是噪音)


- me eat dead people! 我吃死人~

- me scary! 我好怕怕哦~

- me eat brains! 我吃腦髓~

- no guts, no glory! 不貪婪地吃,怎麽能獲得榮耀!

地穴魔王- (趣味註解: 他的死亡音效文件名是''''pitfienddeath'''' 而不是''''

cryptfiend'''' )


- the sleeper awakes! 沈睡者蘇醒了!


- proceed! 前進!

- make your choice!請指示!

- you rang? 妳在召喚我嗎?

- i await. 待命。


- [召喚vile insects] rise! 起來吧!

- by narube!** 以narube的名義!

- what''''s done is done! 奉命行事!

- the time is now! 是時候了!

- yes, master! 是,主人!


- what a tangled web we weave!我們編織的網多麽纏繞!

- spider sense tingling.

- last week my top half was on the discovery channel. 上星期我的上半身出現在《探


- and my bottom half was on animal planet. 而下半身出現在《動物星球》

- my ass always gets bloated during my spin cycle! 我吐絲的時候pp都腫起來了!

- i like chicks that are into bandage! 我喜歡繃帶綁起來的小雞(亦指mm,有sm的意


- i''''m stuck on bandages, ''''cause bandages are stuck on me!* 我被繃帶綁住了



- [.vs 英雄] fall before the scourge! 在天罰面前倒下吧!

- for the spider kingdom! 為了蜘蛛王國!

- be drained of life! 吸幹妳的生命!

- you may feel a sting. 可能會有點疼的~

石象鬼- (註解: 全是噪音沒有文字)

絞肉車- (註解: 全是噪音沒有文字)



- us hear and obey!* 我們聽從命令!


- what we do?* 讓我們做什麽?

- egghhhh?* 恩?

- we done waiting!完成並等待!

- hmmmm. 唔


- us go!* 我們上!

- egghhhh?* 恩?

- random terror!* 隨機之恐怖!

- (growl) 咆哮聲

- (growl) 咆哮聲


- we come in peace... es! 我們平靜的到來……(由碎片組成)。

- happy entrails! 祝內臟快樂!

- you got us in stenches! 我們從惡臭中而來!

- choke! *打嗝*

- (growl) 咆哮聲

- us dead ***y! 我們賊性感!


- [.vs 英雄] all for one! (註解: 還有one for all!) 萬物歸壹

- kill! 殺!

- (growl) 咆哮聲

- tear meat! 撕成肉片!

- rip! 撕碎!



- the shadows beckon! 影子在召喚!


- the dead shall serve! 死者服從於我!

- the restless dead await! 無盡的死亡在等待!

- what does the shadow will? 何為影之意願?

- this better be good! 這最好有用!


- [屍體炸彈] bloody corpses! 血之屍啊!(屍爆?早取消了啊)

- [召喚骷髏] awaken! 蘇醒吧!

- intriguing! 有趣

- for the lich king!為了巫妖王!

- let darkness guide me! 黑暗,指引我吧!

- as the shadow wills! 服從影之意願!


- every man lives, not every man truely dies! 每個人都生存過,但不是每個人都會真


- i love the dead... frequently! 我愛死屍……經常是

- i see undead people! 我看見亡靈啦~~

- you smell something? oh, its just the troops! 妳聞到什麽東西了嗎?啊,這就是軍


- right click for hot, undead action! 點右鍵觀看亡靈熱舞秀


- [.vs 英雄] they''''ll all be mine in the end! 他們最終都將成為我的傀儡!

- die! 死吧!

- tremble before the scourge! 在天罰面前顫抖吧

- none shall survive! 殺無赦!

骷髏- (註解: 全是噪音沒有文字)



- let my cries chill the living! 讓生命在我的尖叫中顫栗吧!


- you call to me? 妳召喚我?

- you brought me back? 妳把我帶回來了?

- why have i been summoned? 為什麽我被召喚來?

- what must i do? 我得做什麽?

- high!* high


- if it pleases you. 如果這能取悅妳

- yes. 是

- if i must. 如果我必須做

- i must obey. 我必須服從

- if that is your wish. 如果那是妳的意願。


- let this torment end! 讓痛苦結束吧!

- how long must i suffer? 我還要受多少折磨?

- u. n. d. e. a. d. find out what it means to me! u n d e a d,告訴我是什麽意思

- there is no banshee, only zul!** 沒有女妖,只有zul。

- i hate you, i hate you... call me! 我恨妳,我恨妳……(語氣壹轉)給我打電話。


- [.vs 英雄] my death awaits! 死亡在等待我!

- die! 死!

- feel my pain! 感受我的痛苦吧!

- your soul shall burn! 燃燒妳的靈魂!

冰龍- (註解: 全是噪音沒有文字)



- the damned return! 被詛咒者再生了!


- i shall be your eyes! 讓我做妳的眼睛!

- my sight is yours! 我的視線就是妳的!

- what needs revealing? 有什麽需要揭示?


- let''''s see. 我們來看吧

- i''''ll look into it.我看壹下

- all shall be revealed. 揭示壹切

- i go unseen! 探索未知


- i''''m but a shadow of my former self.我只是前身的壹個影子

- what i do in death echoes in eternity! 我的死亡回蕩於永恒!

- death is its own reward! 死亡就是回報!

- i''''m having a mid-death crisis! 我存在於生死之間

- i ain''''t got no body! (用唱的) 我沒有身體~~~~

- i''''m invisible, gaseous, and deadly! 我是隱形的,氣態的,致命的!


- [.vs 英雄] glory to the scourge! 為了天罰的榮耀!

- more souls for the master! 更多的靈魂將會歸於我主

- die! 死!

- let screams fill the air! 讓尖叫充斥天空!

- feel my rath! 感受我的憤怒!

- for the master! 為了我主!

死亡騎士- (英雄,城鎮中心)


- the pact is sealed! 契約已訂!


- you called? 妳召喚我嗎?

- my patience has ended! 我的耐心已盡!

- i am the darkness! 我就是黑暗!

- my vengence is yours! 妳就是我的復仇!


- let battle be joined! 加入戰鬥!

- as you order! 聽從命令!

- hiyah! 嗨呀!

- at last! 終於!

- for the lich king!為了巫妖王!


- has hell frozen over yet? 地獄還沒有凍住嗎?

- i am the one horseman of the apocalypse. 我是天命騎士之壹。

- i hate people, but i love gatherings! 我恨人們,但我喜歡收藏品

- i''''m a death night rider! muh ha ha ha 我是壹個死亡騎士(死掉的夜騎士)!啊


- blueca!**

- don''''t touch me... i''''m evil! 別碰我……我是邪惡的!


- [.vs 英雄] let terror reign! 讓恐懼統治壹切吧!

- feel my rath! 感受我的憤怒!

- ride or die! 逃跑還是受死!

- by nazul! 以ner ''''zhul的名義

恐懼之王- (英雄,城鎮中心)


- the night beckons! 夜在召喚!


- greetings! 向您問候!

- what, mortal? 什麽事,凡人

- what is it now? 現在呢?

- i must hunt soon! 我立即行動!


- that was my plan! 正是我的計劃!

- agreed! 同意!

- very well. 很好!

- you thought of that? 妳也那麽想?


- if i have wings, why am i always walking? 既然我有翅膀,為什麽我總是步行?

- (電話鈴聲) yes? arrgghh! for the last time, i''''m a dread lord, not a drug

lord! 餵?啊!!我說最後壹次,我是壹個恐怖魔王,不是毒品王!

- this is not a dress, it''''s the standard dread lord uniform!這不是壹般的服裝


- dress to kill! blah! 是穿來殺人的!廢話!

- (電話鈴聲) yes? darkness, hey, what''''s up? the demon hunter left you a

message? no, i don''''t have his number. 餵?黑暗之王嗎?嗨,情況如何?惡魔獵手


- and then, after i overthrow this fool... oh! hello! i didn''''t know you were

there. 然後,我揭穿這個笨蛋……啊,餵,我不知道妳在那

- imbisile! 不可思議


- [.vs 英雄] your soul is mine! 妳的靈魂屬於我!

- i hunger! 我饑渴!

- deathrageous! 死之怒!

- die! 死吧!

巫妖- (英雄,城鎮中心)


- the ancient evil survives! 遠古邪惡生還了!


- i am sworn to nazul! 我效忠於ner ''''zhul !

- thy bidding? 妳的命令?

- direct me! 指示我吧!

- yours to command! 由妳指揮!


- [清醒] cllleeaarrr! 了 解!!!

- [冰霜鎧甲] nazul protect them!ner ''''zhul保護他們!

- [冰河] freeze! 結凍吧

- [召喚冰龍] rise from your grave! 從墳墓中復活吧!

- so be it! 正是如此!

- by your words! 聽妳的!

- it it destined! 這是宿命!

- dead man walking! 死者在行走啊!

- chilling! 顫抖吧!


- could you chew that up for me? 能幫我咀嚼壹下嗎?

- i''''m so poor, i don''''t even have calcium deposits! 我真可憐,我甚至連個鈣


- i am the ghost of warcraft past.我是魔獸之幽靈。

- i hear that banshee''''s a real screamer! 我聽見女妖還真是能喊哪!

- you should see the skeletons in my closet! 妳該看看我櫥子裏的骷髏!

- im hoe chap!**

- all the ladies dig rigor mortis. 女人們在掘墳。

- you are the weakest link, goodbye! 妳是最爛的鏈接,再見


- [.vs 英雄] for the burning legion! 為了燃燒軍團!

- embrace the end! 接受這個結局吧!

- i will crush you! 我要滅了妳!

- embrace the cold!接受寒冷吧!]

劍聖- (英雄,城鎮中心)


- i obey the six vengance!


- i am yours! 我屬於妳!

- ohh! 噢!

- yesa, lord!* 是,主人!

- what task is there?有什麽任務?


- i hearo and obey!* 我聽從命令!(劍聖說的是日式英語……把r音發成魯等)

- hai! 日語,嗨咿!

- excellent choice! 完美的選擇!

- yes, huh! 是,哈!


- snatch the pebble from my hand, grasshopper!

- my a blade can cut through armor, and still cut a tomato!* 我的刀可以切穿盔甲


- twin blade action, for clean, close shave everytime! 看我的雙刀流……每次都可


- wasabi! 日語,芥末 (……劍聖整個壹日本武士)

=attack sounds=

- [.vs 英雄] for the burning blade! 為了燃燒之刃

- taste a* my blade! 嘗嘗我的利刃

- ailease! *喊聲*

- hooah! *吼聲*

先知- (英雄,城鎮中心)


- the future is ours! 未來屬於我們!


- my eyes are open. 我洞悉壹切

- seeing is believing! 眼見為實

- do you need my counsel? 需要我的忠告嗎?

- destiny awaits. 命運在等待


- it is certain. 確信無疑

- of course. 當然

- i see. 明白

- watch out!


- i see dead people. 我看見死人了(開地圖秘籍哦,果然是farseer)

- touch you tongue to mine! 敢用妳的舌頭舔我! (狼的呻吟聲)

- concentrate and ask again. 思想集中壹點!再問我壹遍

- outlook not so good. 前景不太理想(暗指微軟的outlook不太好用)

- reply hazy. try again! 回答的摸棱兩可,再說壹遍!


- [.vs 英雄] spirits of earth and storm, strike! 大地與風暴的靈魂啊,攻擊吧!

- strike! 進攻!

- look out! 註意!

- attack! 進攻!

牛頭人酋長- (英雄,城鎮中心)


- i have an axe to grind! 我有把斧子要磨


- i stand ready! 我準備好了

- your command? 妳的命令?

- your order? 妳的指示?

- what would you ask of me? 妳要我做什麽?


- done! 完成!

- for my ancestors!為了我的祖先們!

- an excellent plan! 好計劃!

- yes chieftan? 是,酋長?(他自己也是酋長哦)


- mmmm. my back is killing me! 唔,我的後背要了我的命。

- i need to take a load off! 我需要減輕負荷。

- rrrrggg! i think i have a splinter! 呃啊~~~~我想我的骨頭碎了!

- these poles are heavy, i should find someone else to tote em!這些柱子好沈啊,


- i used to have to go to war uphills, both ways!我以前打仗的時候還得上坡,兩個


- your way, right away! 壹是妳上,二是馬上


- [.vs 英雄] for the war chief and the tribes! 為了酋長和部落!

- for the tribes! 為了部落!

- honorguide me!* 榮譽引導著我!

- none shall pass! 把命留下!

惡魔獵手[已變身: 5級或以上] - (英雄,城鎮中心) (註解: 和下面正常的惡魔獵手壹樣的

聲音文件, 沒有在[ ]的特殊行動/執行動作音效)

惡魔獵手- (英雄,城鎮中心)


- at last, we shall have revenge! 終於,我們可以報仇了!


- the time has come. 是時候了

- we must act! 我們必須行動了!

- my blade thirsts 我的刀刃渴望著……

- quickly! 快!

- command me! 命令我吧!


- [思想控制] you are spellbound!*** 妳已經著魔了

- [蛻變] time to raise hell! 呼喚地獄的時刻到了

- [吸魂] your soul is mine!*** 妳的靈魂屬於我

- [鬼怪視界] hide no longer!*** 妳無處可藏

- anatorettador!** 精靈語

- though i be damned! 就算我是被詛咒的!

- duranacal.** 精靈語

- at last. 終於

- hmmm. 唔


- i shall fight fire with fire! 我要以火焰來克制火焰。

- chaos boils in my veins! 混沌的力量在我血液中沸騰

- demon blood is thicker than... regular blood. 惡魔之血濃於……壹般的血

- i like my enemies dead and my blades flaming. 最愛看敵人死在我燃燒的刀刃下

- i love green trees! (註解: 這個很粗暴. 在遊戲中其實是倒過來的, 我不想把它拼出

來所以我把它倒過來了. )

- you will perish in flames (咳嗽聲) ops, sorry! 妳將在火焰中毀滅(咳嗽)哦,對


- darkness called, ... but i was on the phone, so i missed him. i tried to *69

darkness, but his machine picked up. i yelled: "pick up the phone darkness", but

he ignored me. darkness must have been screening his calls. 黑暗之王壹度召喚我




- [.vs 英雄] for calendor! 為了kalimdor

- none shall survive! 擋我者死!

- your blood is mine! 喝妳的血!

- run for your life! 快逃命吧!

- revenge! 復仇!

叢林守護者- (英雄,城鎮中心)


- i must safegaurd the land! 保護大地是我的職責。


- is there danger? 有險情嗎?

- command me. 命令我吧

- who threatens the wilds? 誰在威脅著大自然?

- the time is now. 就是現在

- nature is restless. 大自然永不寧靜


- [自然之觸] everything i touch dies or comes back to life! 我的觸碰帶來死亡和再


- [扼死藤] this should weed out a few! 這些雜草應該清除

- [荊棘] you mess with the branch, you get the thorns! 妳跟樹枝戰鬥,就得面對荊


- [寧靜] the calm, before the storm. 暴風雨前的寧靜

- by the spirits! 以精靈們的力量!

- for calendor! 為了kalimdor!

- well, there it is. 好,在那邊

- so shall is be. 理應如此

- naturally. 自然而然


- my father was mounted over someone''''s fireplace. 我父親是畫在壁爐上方的座騎

- feel natural, nature''''s way. 感受大自然的自然

- don''''t let the doe hit you on the way out! 那些母鹿要來扁妳了

- when i attack, part 3. 當我攻擊時,第3部分

- free rides for the ladies mm免費騎哦

- heard up! 收到!


- [.vs 英雄] smite the defilers of the land! 給汙染者以致命壹擊!

- feel nature''''s wrath! 感受自然的憤怒!

- death to all defilers! 汙染者,受死!

- none shall harm the wilds! 沒有人可以傷害大自然!

月亮女祭祀- (英雄,城鎮中心)


- warriors of the night, assemble! 夜之戰士們,集結起來!


- we are poised to strike! 我們隨時準備戰鬥!

- we must act! 我們得行動了!

- i am vigilant! 我時刻警惕著!

- trust in my command. 相信我的指揮吧!


- [月光] godess, grant me sight! 女神啊,賜予我慧眼吧!

- [月反射] let me bounce this off you. 從妳身上反彈吧!

- [灼光] highbeams on! 強光照射!

- [強擊] shoot to kill! 射殺!

- [黎明] darkness falls across the land. 黑暗降臨大地(知道mj的thriller嗎?

darkness falls across the land ,the midnight hour is close at hand,creatures

crawl in search of blood……''''cause this is thriller, thriller night……mj開始

與壹群僵屍跳舞^o^ )

- leading the way! 領路!

- onward! 前進!

- as i thought. 正合我意

- the godess agrees. 正如女神所願


- i command the army of darkness! 我指揮著黑暗(暗夜)部隊!

- i''''m caught between the moon and nightelf city. 我往返於月亮與夜精靈城之間

- come on! we''''re burning moonlight. 來吧!我們是燃燒的月之光

- when a treant falls in the forest, does it make a sound? 壹個樹人在森林裏倒下



- [.vs 英雄] by the godess! 以女神的力量!

- strike! 進攻!

- for the godess! 為了女神!

- prepare to be moonstruck!準備接受月神之擊!(moonstruck的字典解釋:源於月光能


大法師- (英雄,城鎮中心)


- this had better be worth it! 這樣做最好值得!


- you require my assistance? 需要我的協助嗎?

- what is it now? 現在如何?

- get on with it! 繼續!

- well? 什麽?


- i can hardly wait! 我不能再等了!

- perfect! 好極了!

- whatever! 怎樣都行!

- fine! 很好!


- don''''t you have a strategy? 妳就不能有點戰略嗎?

- your prattle begins to annoy me. 我開始對妳的天真感到厭煩了

- you''''d best stay clear of me, or i''''ll turn you into a mindless sheep! 妳


- i don''''t waste my magic on just anything! 我不會隨便浪費我的魔法的


- [.vs 英雄] for glory! 為了榮譽!

- to battle! 戰鬥啊!

- for glory! 為了榮譽!

- nimflorie frostades seda!** (吟唱咒語)

山丘之王- (英雄,城鎮中心)


- alright, who wants some? 好吧,誰想來試試


- aye? 什麽?

- wait ''''til you see me in action!* 等待行動指示

- give me something to do! 讓我做點事吧

- hmmmph! 恩!


- brilliant! 英明!

- i''''m coming through! 我來了!

- move it! 行動!

- out of my way! 讓開!


- could you put some bonus points in my drinking skills? 妳能給我的喝酒技能升幾


- any fish and chips shops about here?* 這附近有炸魚土豆片賣嗎?

- i think it''''s time for a nippy sweetie!** 我認為該吃點心了。

- what the bloody hell are you playin'''' at?* 該死的,妳在玩些什麽啊?

- there''''s nothing more motivatin'''' than fightin'''' with a bad hangover!*


- where''''s the pub? 酒館在哪?

- let''''s get pist! 去喝個痛快吧!


- [.vs 英雄] for kazmodon!** 為了kazmodon!

- to arms! 拿起武器!

- death comes for ye!* 死神來找妳了!

- i''''ll run em through!* 我來搞定他們!

- watch this! 看這招!

聖騎士- (英雄,城鎮中心)


- i live to serve all believers! 我為服務信徒而生!


- what would you ask of me? 您要我做什麽?

- i am not afraid! 我沒有恐懼!

- let me face the peril! 讓我來面對危險!

- at your call! 為您效勞!


- [驅魔] strike down upon thee with great vengance and fury! 以復仇的憤怒力量擊


- as you wish! 隨妳所願!

- for honor! 為了榮譽!

- for my people! 為了我的人民!

- it shall be done! 理應如此!


- it''''s hammer time! 該掄起錘子了!

- i want to be your sledge hammer! 我願成為您的巨錘!

- touch me not, i am chaste! 別碰我,我是純潔的

- no, is that your final answer? 不,那就是妳最後的回答?

- i have bad brethren 我已經有很多兄弟了。

- is that a sword? luxury! is that a horse? sloth! is that a helmet?