當前位置:成語大全網 - 新華字典 - symbol,sign,mark,signal在詞典的解釋都是記號或標誌,有什麽區別?


表示有......的跡象、征兆signal:(報警)信號、紅綠燈 A red lamp is often a danger signal比較具體symbol:象征The lion is the symbol of courage 比較抽象mark:分數、做標記The road we should take is marked on the map There are _signs___that a new,different South is coming out of its dark past:有跡象顯示壹個全新的、與以往不同的南方將要從它黑暗的歷史中誕生。 3.sign就是標記,預兆,經常是比較具體的現象,但含意很抽象,比如例句:A high forehead is thought to be a sign of intelligence.高額頭被認為是智慧的標誌。高額頭是可以用肉眼直接看到的sign作動詞是簽署,例句:sign a bill into law.簽字批準壹項法案。這個跟那兩個就差別很明顯。signal是信號,例句:A red light is usually a signal of danger.紅燈通常是危險的信號。是非常具體的,而且經常是用作專業術語上的,電信號,數字信號等等。symbol符號,經常也是用作術語,例如: 4. sign指"具有壹定含義的任何有形或無形的符號或標誌, 它的表示可以是實物、表情、動作、文字、語言及任何痕跡或征兆", 如1)Nodding is a sign of consent. (2)He gave them a sign to withdraw. (3) "Maverick" is my call sign. (4) The old man showed no sign of hearing us. signal 意為“信號, 暗號, 近因, 導火線”,多側重於聲音或動作的暗示,如: (1)The ship is flying a distress signal.(那艘船正在掛起呼救信號)(2)The Lieutenant gave the signal for advance.(尉官做了壹個前進的手勢) (3)I gave them a tune or two on the piano every now and then making signals to let them know I was alive still and happy.(我時不時地在鋼琴上揮灑壹兩曲,作出信號好讓他們知道鄙人依然生龍活虎,興致如常) symbol記號 符號 象征 表征,如: (1)The dove is a peace symbol. (2)The elephant is the national symbol of Thailand.(大象是泰國的象征) mark指"為某壹目的有意作的標記", 也指"無意留下或自然形成的痕跡", 如: (1)The work he accomplished has left its mark on the contemporary era and will testify eaternally to his exceptional qualities.(他所完成的工作對當代已留下不可磨滅的標記,並將永遠成為其非凡品質的見證)(2)You can see in him the marks of an educated man.從他身上妳可以看到受過教育的人的特點。operation symbol運算符號punctuation symbol標點符號符號和信號的區別這是語文問題,妳可以差壹下語文字典。符號[symbol;sign;mark]∶印記;標號元素符號[insignia]∶用於區分某種特征的標識軍銜符號信號[signal]1經商定作為采取壹致行動的時刻的暗號2壹種可以覺察的物理量或脈沖(如電壓、電流、磁場強度等),通過它們能傳達消息或信息