當前位置:成語大全網 - 新華字典 - 2014陜西高考英語考綱詞匯。帶翻譯



1. abuse[?'bju:s] n.濫用 Much of the crime in this area is related to drug abuse.

[?bjuz]v. 濫用I'm afraid the position is open to abuse.

2. academy[?'k?d?m?] n. 專科學校;學會,學院He passed into the Military Academy with no difficulty.

3. adequate [?d?kw?t] adj. 足夠的;適當的Wear clothes that provide adequate protection against the wind and rain.

4. adolescent[?d?lesnt] n. 少年adj. 青春期的The adolescent period is one's best time.

5. advocate ['?dv?ke?t] vt. 提倡We advocate solving international dispute by negotiation, instead of appealing to arms. 我們主張通過協商解決國際爭端,而不主張訴諸武力。

6. agency ['e?d?ns?] n. 代理;機構He was placed in Xin Hua News Agency as a translator. 他被安排在新華通訊社當翻譯。

7. aggressive [?gres?v] You'd better keep the two aggressive boys apart. 妳最好把那兩個好鬥的男孩分開。

8. amateur n. 業余愛好者 adj. 業余的Although Tom's only an amateur he's a first-class player. 雖然湯姆只是個業余愛好者,但卻是壹流的高手。

9. ambiguous[?m?b?gju?s] adj. 含糊的This sentence is ambiguous in sense. 這個句子意思不清楚。

10. apparent [?'p?r?nt] adj. 易看見的It was apparent from her face that she was really upset. 從面容上壹眼就可以看出她確實心緒煩亂。

11. applaud [?'pl?:d] vt. 鼓掌歡迎vi.鼓掌The audience laughed and applauded

12. applicant [?pl?k?nt] n. 申請人This applicant is by far the better than that one.

13. architect [?ɑ:k?tekt] n. 建築師. The new building was built from the design of a famous architect.

14. assume [?'sju:m] vt.假設It is reasonable to assume that he knew beforehand that this would happen. 有理由認為他事先就知道會發生這樣的事。

15. authentic [?:?θent?k] adj. 真的,真正的This is an authentic news report. We can depend on it.

16. awesome ['?:s?m] adj. 令人敬畏的;可怕的They had an awesome task ahead.

17. bachelor ['b?t?l?] n. 學士;單身漢Distrusting women, he remained a bachelor all his life.

18. balcony ['b?lk?n?] n. 陽臺There were tubs of flowers on the balcony.

19. biochemistry [?ba'kem?str?] n. 生物化學

20. bonus ['b?n?s] n. 獎金,額外津貼;紅利. The workers expected to share out a year-end bonus. 工人們期望年終分紅。

21. boom [bu:m] n.繁榮 The country is having a great boom in industry.

22. bound [ba?nd] adj. 必然會Pete, ever the optimist, said things were bound to improve. 壹向樂觀的皮特說,事情必定是會好轉的。

23. boundary ['ba?ndr?] n. 分界線 A river forms the boundary between the two countries.

24. brunch [br?nt?] n. 早午餐 They eat much the same thing for brunch every day. 每天早午餐他們總是吃同樣的東西。

25. bunch [b?nt?] n. 束,串She picked a large bunch of flowers for table decoration. 她采了壹大捧花來裝飾桌子。

26. capsule n. ['k?psju:l] 膠囊;航天艙The doctor advised me to take a capsule this morning.

27. cast [kɑ:st] vt. 鑄造;投擲She cast a welcoming smile in his direction. 她向他微笑以示歡迎。

28. category [?k?t?g?ri] n. 類型,種類These questions may be included in the same category. 這些問題可以歸入壹類。

29. catholic [?k?θl?k] adj.天主教的

30. chef [?ef] n. 廚師No one can become a chef without practical experience.

31. commit [k?'m?t] vt. 犯罪;把…托付給I have never committed any crime... 我從來沒犯過罪。

32. compass ['k?mp?s] n. 羅盤;指南針The invention of the compass was referred to China. 指南針是中國發明的。

33. compromise ['k?mpr?ma?z] vi. 折中解決;妥協The spokesman made it evident that no compromise was yet in sight. 發言人表示,目前還不會妥協。

34. confidential [?k?nf?'den?l] adj. 秘密的He refused to allow his secretary to handle confidential letters. 他不讓秘書處理機密文件。

35. consequence [?k?nsikw?ns] n. 結果 The consequence was that he caught a bad cold. 結果是他得了重感冒。

36. conservative [k?n?s?:v?t?v] adj. 保守的 Politically, they belonged to the conservative party and opposed reform. 在政治上,他們是保守派,反對改革。

37. consistent [k?n?s?st?nt] adj. 壹致的 His action is always consistent with his words. 他始終言行壹致。

38. consult [k?n's?lt] vi. 商議vt. 請教 If you have no idea about it, consult a dictionary, please. 要是妳對這個問題不清楚,請妳查字典得了。

39. contradict [?k?ntr?'d?kt] vt. 反駁Young children should never contradict what their parents say. 孩子們絕對不應頂撞父母。

40. convey [k?n've?] vt. 傳達 Don't forget to convey my regards when you see him. 妳去見著他,別忘了給我捎個好兒。

41. criterion [kra?'t?r?n] (pl criteria) n. (批評、判斷等的)標準 Only social practice can be the criterion of truth. 只有社會實踐才能是檢驗真理的唯壹標準。

42. cuisine [kw?zi:n] n. 烹飪,烹調法The hotel has a large dining room serving superb local cuisine. 飯店有壹個大餐廳供應上好的當地菜肴。

43. damp [d?mp] adj. 微濕的

44. departure [d?pɑ:t?(r)] n. 離開 Do you know what lies behind her sudden departure for London? 妳知道她突然去倫敦的原因嗎?

45. desperate [?desp?r?t] adj. 絕望的;鋌而走險的They made a desperate attempt to save the company. 他們為挽救公司作孤註壹擲的努力。

46. detective [d?tekt?v] n. 偵探

47. distinction [d?st?k?n] n. 區別 We must draw a clear distinction between right and wrong. 我們必須明確區分是與非。

48. draft [drɑ:ft] vt. 起草 n.草稿 I know that this draft text will need to be edited.

49. electronic [?lek'tr?n?k] adj. 電子的 It is an electronic device with many uses. 這是壹部具有多種用途的電子儀器。

50.enquiry [?n'kwa?r?] n. 詢問 The enquiry must be independently conducted. 這次調查必須獨立進行。

51. evident [?ev?d?nt] adj. 明顯的 It has now become evident to us that a mistake has been made. 我們已經清楚出了差錯。

52. expose [?k'sp?z] vt. 揭露;使暴露 We must expose this shameful activity to the newspapers. 我們壹定要向報社揭露這壹無恥行徑。

53. extraordinary [?k?str?dnri] adj. 非凡的,特別的 She has a marvellous voice with an extraordinary range. 她歌喉甜美,音域奇廣。

54. fantasy ['f?nt?s?] n. 幻想;空想的產物

55. flashlight ['fl?la?t] n. 手電筒I saw the sudden flare of a flashlight in the darkness. 我看到手電筒在黑暗中突然閃出的亮光。

56. fortnight [?f?:tna?t] n. 兩星期 You need a break. Why not take a fortnight off from work? 妳需要休息,為什麽不休假兩周呢?

57. freeway ['fri:we?] n. 高速公路

58. gallery ['ɡ?l?r?] n. 畫廊 A number of priceless works of art were stolen from the gallery. 美術館中許多價值連城的藝術品被盜。

59. grand [ɡr?nd] adj. 宏大的 My hospital room was like Grand Central Station with everybody coming and going. 我的病房就像紐約的中央火車站,整天人來人往。

60. holy ['h?l?] adj. 神聖的 A holy person is required to read the Holy Bible. 聖徒必讀《聖經》。

61. hydrogen [?ha?dr?d?n] n. <化>氫

62. identify [a?'dent?fa?] vt. 識別 Would you be able to identify the man who robbed you? 妳能夠認出那個搶妳東西的人嗎?

63. immigration [?m?gre?n] n. 移民;移居 A considerable number of people object to the government's attitude to immigration. 相當多的人反對政府對待移民問題的態度。

64. librarian [la?'bre?r?n] n. 圖書管理員 The librarian entered a new book in the catalogue. 圖書管理員把壹本新書編入目錄。

65. lid [l?d] n. 蓋子I can't get this lid off—It'seems to be nailed down. 我打不開這個蓋子,好像是被釘住了。

66. mourn [m?:n] vi. 哀痛 vt. 表示深深的遺憾

67. offensive [?fens?v] adj. 無禮的

68. plug [pl?ɡ] vt.& vi. 插上插頭n. 塞子;插頭 Check that the plug has not come loose . 檢查壹下別讓插頭松脫了。

69.portable [?p?:t?bl] adj. 手提的 I have a portable typewriter.

70. psychology [sa?'k?l?d?] n. 心理學

71. qualification [?kw?l?f?'ke?n] n. 資格 Jack has obtained a medical qualification. 傑克取得了行醫資格證書。

72. random ['r?nd?m] adj. 任意的;隨機的n. 隨意 The interviews were given to a random sample of students. 隨機抽選出部分學生進行了采訪。

73. receipt [r?'si:t] n. 收據 After she paid the bill, she placed the receipt in her wallet. 她付了款之後把收據放進皮夾子裏。

74. receptionist [r?sep?n?st] n. 接待員 Ask the receptionist to put your call through to my room. 讓接待員把妳的電話接到我房間。

75. reservation [?rez?'ve?n] n. 保留 I'll call the restaurant and make a reservation . 我要給飯店打個電話預訂座位。

76. resign [r?'za?n] vt.& vi. 辭職,放棄

77. sacrifice ['s?kr?fa?s] n. 犧牲vt.& vi. 犧牲 He decided to sacrifice a trip for a new house. 為了購買新房子,他決定放棄旅行。

78. self [self]

79. sideway ['sa?dwe?] n.人行道

80. sleeve [sli:v] n.袖子

81. spiritual [?sp?r?t?u?l] adj. 精神的 People need a chance to reflect on spiritual matters in solitude. 人們需要獨處的機會來反思精神上的事情。

82. stainless ['ste?nl?s] adj. 不銹的 I have a set of stainless knives and forks.

83. steep [sti:p] adj. 陡峭的 The slope is too steep for us to climb. 這斜坡太陡,我們爬不上去。

84. strawberry ['str?:b?r?] n. 草莓I only had a strawberry yoghurt for breakfast. 我早餐只吃壹個草莓酸奶。

85. substitute ['s?bst?tju:t] vt.& vi. 代替n. 代替者Second again, we shouldn't substitute our 86. personal feeling for policies. 其次,我們不應該拿個人感情代替政策。

87. vacant [?ve?k?nt] adj. 空閑的Vacant positions can be made known through the medium of the press. 職位空缺可假托報紙公布於眾。

88. valid ['v?l?d] adj. 有效的 Illness is a valid excuse for being absent from work. 生病是不去上班的正當理由。

89. visual ['vl] adj. 視覺的 I have a very good visual memory. 我過目不忘。

90. worm [w?:m] n. 蟲,蠕蟲

91. factor ['f?kt?(r)] n. 因素

92. negative ['neɡ?t?v] adj. 消極的

93. complain [k?m'ple?n] vi. 抱怨

94. complaint [k?m?ple?nt] n. 抱怨

95. detail [?di:te?l] n. 詳述

96. solution [s?lu:?n] n. 解決;溶解

97. solve [s?lv] vt. 解決

98. involve [?n'v?lv] vt. 包含;使參與,牽涉

99. ideal [a?'di:?l] adj. 理想的n. 理想

101. narrator [n?re?t?(r)] n. (故事的)講述者

102. neutral [?nju:tr?l] adj. 中立的

103. affirmative [?f?:m?t?v] adj. 肯定的;贊成的

104. economy [?'k?n?m?] n. 節約;經濟

105. attentive [?tent?v] adj. 註意的

