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ln christ alont詩歌翻譯中文

In Christ alone (單單在耶穌裏)

In Christ alone, my hope is found? 單單在耶穌裏,我尋得希望

He is my light, mystrength, my song? 他是我的亮光,我的力量

This cornerstone,this solid ground 紮根在這房角石,這堅實的基礎上

Firm through thefiercest drought and storm? 幹旱和風暴,我不畏懼

What heights oflove, what depths of peace? 他的愛何其高,平安何其深

When fears arestilled, when strivings cease? 恐懼,掙紮都被止息

My comforter, myall-in-all? 我靈得安慰,我的壹切

Here in the love ofChrist I stand 在耶穌大愛中得堅固

There in the groundHis body lay 他的身軀躺臥在地?

Light of the worldby darkness slain? 黑暗扭曲了世界的光

Then bursting forthin glorious day? 榮耀的日子卻要破曉

Up from the graveHe rose again 人子要從墳墓站立

And as He stands invictory? 當他在得勝中堅立時

Sin's curse haslost its grip on me 罪惡失去權柄在我身

For I am His and He is mine? 我屬良人,良人屬我

Bought with theprecious blood of Christ 皆因耶穌寶血重價屬回

No guilt in life,no fear in death 生命不再羞愧,不再畏懼死亡

This is the power of Christin me? 耶穌的大能在我身

From life's firstcry to final breath ?從誕生到生命的止息

Jesus commands mydestiny? 耶穌是我的方向

No power of hell,no scheme of man?黑暗的權勢,人心的詭詐

Can ever pluck mefrom His hand 不能將我從他分離

Till He returns or calls mehome? 直等他重回時,呼喚我回天家

Here in the powerof Christ I'll stand 我必在耶穌大能裏得堅固

Till He returns orcalls me home?直等他重回時,呼喚我回天家

Here in the powerof Christ I'll stand 我必在耶穌大能裏得堅固

Here in the powerof Christ I'll stand 我必在耶穌大能裏得堅固