春風春雨把原野拂過, 驚起壹層漫漫綠色。 五月,在這春天的季節,是壹場雷鳴後大雨來臨,南飛的大雁跋山涉水歸家的日子;是杏花開遍山野“她在叢中笑”的爛漫季節;是冬麥揚穗農民揮汗荷鋤,辛勤耕耘的好光景。 蛙鳴蟲叫,魚躍雀散,初春的曠野已是喧聲鼎沸了。扶搖而上的風箏擁入碧空的懷抱,地上的人們舒展著筋骨攢足了勁。不知不覺中,春天正邁著輕盈的腳步,悄悄的向我們走來——在春意盎然的五月。 五月是孩子們的天堂,拋掉厚重的棉衣棉帽,跑到田野裏盡情的撒歡兒,用柳笛唱壹支春天的歌;五月是青年人的日子,春潮湧動的時節,執子之手,與子同行,擷下春天裏的玫瑰點綴愛的天空;五月是老年人的節日,踏著壹路路春光,和著壹串串鳥鳴,到剛剛解凍的湖面垂釣人生……五月,全體人民的日子——全世界勞動人民的節日。[-找文章,到] 水壹樣流走的是日子,記憶被時間流逝得日益斑駁,人們卻沒有遺忘這壹幕,“五壹國際勞動節”成為他們英勇壯舉的特別紀念。 勞動人民是世界上最偉大的人民,他們用勞動創造了世界,創造了人類,創造了我們今天的幸福生活。是勞動,建成了今天的萬丈高樓;是勞動,築就了現代化的信息高速公路;是勞動,讓偌大的地球變成了壹個小小的村落;是勞動,使浩翰的荒原變成了畝畝良田。 勞動是神奇的,勞動是偉大的。勞動者用勤勞的雙手和智慧,編織了這個五彩班斕的世界,創造了人類的文明。讓我們在這個特別的日子裏,向全世界的勞動者致敬! 在充滿真情的五月,緊握妳因勞動而開滿繭花的手,送上我最真心的祝福,聆聽妳勞動的贊歌。“長亭外,古道邊,芳草碧連天”是壹種人生;“憑欄處,瀟瀟雨歇”是壹種人生;“到中流擊水,浪遏飛舟”是壹種人生;“默默無聞,無私奉獻”也是壹種人生。種種人生,勞動如咖啡裏的方糖,把我們的人生調得有滋有味;勞動如路旁的壹幀風景,把我們的人生裝扮得亮麗多彩。 五月,真情五月。在樓外高樓,在亭外長亭,讓我們手挽手,肩並肩,豪情萬丈,血氣方剛的唱壹首大江東去,把全世界勞動者的心願送給遠方,送給明天。讓我們為明天喝彩,為五月高歌,為勞動者擊掌!
Throughout the world, except in North America, May 1 is celebrated as International Worker’s Day.
Oddly enough, May 1 has its origins in the United States. During the late 19th century, when the effects of the Industrial Revoultion were starting to take hold, workers had few, if any rights. Journalist Michael Thomas notes that the "political and legal system failed to recognize even the most basic rights of workplace safety, community sanitation and child protection." Despite all this, the right to an eight-hour workday, something we have come to recognize as a basic right and a pillar of our workday structure, turned into the rallying call that united workers everywhere.
On May 1, 1866 the American Labor Federation declared a national strike to demand an eight-hour workday. Hundreds of thousands heeded the call. Over the next several days more and more people joined the strike, culminating in a mass rally in Chicago’s Haymarket Square on May 4. Toward the end of the rally, someone (it was never determined who) threw a bomb into the crowd, killing a police officer and injuring others. The police, in turn, opened fire and killed several demonstrators and injured hundreds of others.
Eight labour leaders were eventually brought to trial. Despite a lack of evidence, four were hanged, one committed suicide, and three were given life in jail (in 1893 all eight were pardoned owing to lack of evidence). Since then, these events, and the manner in which workers came together, have become a symbol for the sacrifices that were made in the struggle for better working conditions. May 1, the day of the original demonstrations, is now recognized as an international day of worker solidarity.