In My Secret Life ?在我的秘密生活裏(被翻譯為無語之境)
In My Secret Life? 無語之境,
I saw you this morning 此生遇君早,
You were moving so fast 且行且別離。
Can't seem to loosen my grip念君終難忘,
on the past 韶華逝如光。
And I miss you so much 時時感君意,
There's no one in sight 杳杳天地間。
And we're still making love 嬿燕合歡枝,
In My Secret Life 脈脈竟忘語。
In My Secret life 脈脈竟忘語。
I smile when I'm angry 怒極笑愈熾,
I cheat and I lie 諂諛生奸計。
I do what I have to do 此身非所願,
To get by 只為茍且生。
But I know what is wrong 對錯吾亦知,
And I konw what is right 人前常郁郁。
And I'd die for the truth 舍生求真意,
In My Secret Life 默默寧無語。
In My Secret Life 默默寧無語。
Hold on Hold on my brother 殷殷囑兄弟,
My sister hold on tight 當盡平生力,茫茫四顧間,姊妹並肩輿。
I finally got my orders 終將蹈雲霓,
I'll be marching through the morning 行至光明霽。
Marching through the night 拘我心魔去,
Moving cross the borders of my secret life 漠漠方無語。
Looked through the paper 世事如故紙,
Makes you want to cry? 卷卷荒唐語。掩卷長唏噓,戚戚難自己。
Nobody cares if the people live or die 死生誰留意?
And the dealer wants you thinking That it's either black or white 商賈販真知。
Thank God it's not that simple 幸自蒙天啟,
in my secret life 默默對無語。
I bite my lip 人生天地間,
I buy what I'm told 百感皆濟具。
From the latest hit 重金求新賦,
To the wisdom of old 篤行蹈舊矩。
But I'm always alone 嚙唇潛形跡,
And my heart is like ice 冰雪踞寒軀。
And it's crowded and cold 遠行若飆塵,
in my secret life 終至無念地。
in my secret life 終至無念地。
in my secret life 終至無念地。
Leonard Cohen(萊昂納德·科恩),1934年生人,是遊吟詩人,來自寒冷而富有濃厚歐洲氣息的加拿大小城蒙特利爾,英國文學是他的專業。
早年以詩歌和小說在文壇成名,小說《美麗失落者》被評論家譽為60年代的經典之作。很偶然的機緣將他帶入民謠流域,在Judy Collins將他的詩作配上簡單的和弦,開始遊吟生涯。
他是個不錯的作家和詩人 客居歐洲的壹個小島上。