my father recited a story in a low voice.我的父親用低沈的聲音敘述了壹個故事
I watched his lovely face and not the blade.我望著他可愛的卻不再英俊的臉
Before the story ended, he'd removed在故事結束前,他移開了
the iron sliver I thought I'd die from.我認為會讓我死的殘酷的裂片
I can't remember the tale,我無法回憶這個故事
but hear his voice still, a well但依舊聽到他的聲音 令人喜歡的
of dark water, a prayer.黑水 壹個聖武士的祈禱
And I recall his hands, 我記得他雙手
two measures of tenderness款款柔情的程度
he laid against my face,他面對著我的臉躺著
the flames of discipline 訓導的激情
he raised above my head.他培育了我的才智
Had you entered that afternoon妳已經進入了那個下午嗎?
you would have thought you saw a man妳將認為妳看見壹個男人
planting something in a boy's palm,種植了某些東西在壹個男孩的手掌裏
a silver tear, a tiny flame. 壹個清脆悅耳的撕裂傷聲音,壹個極微小的熱情火焰,
Had you followed that boy妳跟隨著那個男孩了嗎?
you would have arrived here,妳會到達這裏,
where I bend over my wife's right hand.我俯身於我妻子的右手邊的地方
Look how I shave her thumbnail down 看到我如何刮她的腋毛
so carefully she feels no pain.如此小心以至於她沒有感覺不適
Watch as I lift the splinter out.且看著我舉起這個碎片
I was seven when my father我七歲時,我的父親
took my hand like this,牽著我的手就像這樣
and I did not hold that shard而我不能舉起那個陶瓷碎片
between my fingers and think,在我的手指和思想之間,
Metal that will bury me,金屬就要埋了我
christen it Little Assassin,首次使用它 小.刺客
Ore Going Deep for My Heart.礦沙深深的鉆入我的心臟
And I did not lift up my wound and cry,而我不能舉起我的傷害 我哭了
Death visited here!死神來到了!
I did what a child does我做了壹個小孩的做的事
when he's given something to keep.當他給我某個東西以保持時
I kissed my father.我親吻了我的父親