解 釋 瞪:睜.瞪著眼睛說不出話來。形容因吃驚或害怕而發楞的樣子。
〝目瞪口呆〞是壹個漢語成語。讀音:mù dèng kǒu dāi,釋義:目瞪,睜大眼睛直視;口呆,嘴裏說不出話來。意為因吃驚、害怕、激動而發楞、發傻的樣子。
鄰居們都目瞪口呆,再不敢動。The neighbours all stood aghast, and dared not move.
我站在那兒目瞪口呆。I stood there dumbfounded.
他的秘書停止了記錄,目瞪口呆地望著我。His secretary stopped taking notes to gape at me
教區牧師目瞪口呆地看著他,露出不相信的表情。The Vicar looked at him with open-mouthed incredulity.
他們幾乎目瞪口呆地看著那兩個人朝他們走過來。They watched almost open-mouthed as the two men came towards them
我們震驚、愕然、目瞪口呆,難以置信地搖著頭。We were amazed, shocked, dumbfounded, shaking our heads in disbelief.
看到妳照片中的模特戴著壹個頂上立著壹架玩具飛機的帽子,我真是目瞪口呆。I was really gobsmacked when I saw your picture of a model wearing a hat with a toy airplane on it.
她目瞪口呆地看著這場面,壹時語塞。She was gaping at it, lost for words.
亨德森聽到這個消息壹時目瞪口呆。Henderson was momentarily jolted by the news.
約翰遜目瞪口呆地望著克拉維斯的豪宅。Johnson stared goggle-eyed at Kravis 'sumptuous quarters.
南希目瞪口呆。Nancy's mouth was agape.
滿屋子的人震驚得目瞪口呆。The room became electric with amazement.