當前位置:成語大全網 - 四字成語 - 找幾個英語謎語(可以是猜單詞或者英文歌曲電影明星等等),笑話,遊戲,成語接龍,英語故事寓言諺語等等


4 people move to a wood, guess a word answer is: JayOne, guess a word answer is: LargeA mouth, mouth long hand, guess the word answer is: takeA man, guess the word answer is: MeatA person to carry two villains, guess the word answer is: clipHave a family of seven, farm a mu, oneself eat enough, also a dog, guess a word answer is: beastA stick, hanging a square box, a ladder, a central, guess a word answer is: faceA cow, guess a word answer is: StudentsA dog four export, guess a word answer is: deviceOne one arrows piercing, guess the word answer is: willOne point one horizontal length, a write to the Southeast Asia, Southeast Asia has a person, only one inch long, guess a word answer is: HouseOn one side is water, is on the side of hill, guess a word answer is: ShanOne is red, one side is green, the side like wind, and rain, guess a word answer is: AutumnSeven in eight eyes, guess a word answer is: the goodsThe sword, to guess the word answer is:Eleven reading, guess a word answer is: ShiIn twelve, guess a word answer is: bucketA dry iceSlender-billed crow, double disc flowers. A dry iceSlender-billed crow, double disc flowers. Don't eat mortal vulgar meters, only eat satin cloth yarn guess commodity scissorsThe word guess a legal term of natural personNo. twelve guess a scientific term or daily necessities of KingHalf of the lid, open half half, sun. Guess a fabric roof tilesIt is big and light the fire for heartburn, stomach. Guess a lanternThe cold weather information play a character name was a vastGradually prosperity. Guess a character named Xu ShengWater frown, tree shaking, flower bow, cloud. Guess the natural windHard point mouth, tongue, do not eat, drink tea light. Guess supplies penLong pointed iron mouth, bite, bite, step. Guess appliances scissorsTo play with him, he just bought, bought him, but he. Guess entertainment goods drumWill walk without legs, will have no mouth, across the river without water, dead. Guess a chessA pair of husband and wife, the same life dependent, daytime, evening separation. Guess a buttonOne can not only, than the customer comes first, customer to not see him, the guests leave again. Guess appliances broomFrom the water, but is afraid of water, to water, not the least trace was found. Medley seasoning saltA large umbrella, floating in the air, and fell to the earth, out of a hero. Guess a parachuteWhen the new white hair turn black, formerly, leisure hat, the hat off. Guess stationery brushFar see small building, near the big steamed bun, people go under water in the upper stream. Guess appliances umbrellaPointing to your face, in your heart, let you master, quickly open the door. Guess electric doorbellDo not wash it clean, wash clean, wash people eat, wash not in use. Guess the nature waterA day in the past, and dress, in the past year, systemic strip. Guess supplies calendarA thin sheet of paper, four growth fine teeth, two friends to talk, must ask him when to. Guess supplies of stampsThere are two men riding a horse, a horse head low, although insufficient Road, two people still grinning. Guess game object seesawSit sit uneasily, Li also stand firm, age though, never fall. Guess toy tumblerThis tube eight, everyone has the two piece, by touch, could not see. Organ earsLooks like a hill, near look like stairs, go up step by step, the slide to the bottom. Guess game object slidesLiving in the mountain, the same color, came to earth, green and red. A tea plantA little girl, sitting in the central water, wearing a pink coat, bursts of fragrance of lotus plants on a guessThe mud of a dragon, a top head, the body is full belly, small hole guess a lotus plantHours of head green, old to go far, seemingly cotton, wind up whitecaps guess a reed plantMa shell, red lining, wrapped in white fat. Guess a peanut plantHigh green bone, round yellow face, most love to the sun, Yingying laughing. Guess what plant a sunflowerLooks like gold, black and hard shell, growth in the water, big harvest in autumn. Guess a water plantHour can eat fresh taste, can always was cut, although not just and iron, all joints pressure not bay. Guess a bamboo plantSijiqing, Pakistan grow, feel with the hand, the caterpillar ligation. Guess a cactus plantThe vine cane, hedge, rattan blossom like a horn, red horn, white horn, the sun out of picture. Guess a petunia plantsSaid that he is a grass, why there are perceived, gently touched his head, shy. Guess the plant MimosaWith no touching the ground, leaves and white flowers, everywhere to stray, everywhere everywhere. Guess a duckweed plantHead hair such as acupuncture, skin thickness crack like shells, the cold more high-spirited, seasons of the year in good spirits. Guess a pine tree plantWearing a raincoat, meat, and sweet incense, to take off the raincoat, will hand itches. Guess a taro plantsA mother-in-law Park Station, covered in small eggs, and red and green, both delicious and good-looking. Guess what plant a treeA body hair, tail, don't go, only dance. Guess the animal sparrowSpit white foam, holding two knife, walk come swaggeringly, is really run amuck. Guess the animal crabLittle Zhu Geliang, sitting army account, put into a Bagua Zhen, designed to catch flies will. Guess insects spiders分享到

4個人搬個木頭 ,猜壹個字 答案是:傑

壹人 ,猜壹個字 答案是:大

壹人壹張口,口下長只手,猜壹字 答案是:拿

壹人在內,猜壹字 答案是:肉

壹人挑兩小人,猜壹字 答案是:夾

壹家有七口,種田種壹畝,自己吃不夠,還養壹條狗 ,猜壹個字 答案是:獸

壹根木棍,吊個方箱,壹把梯子,搭在中央 ,猜壹個字 答案是:面

壹只牛,猜壹個字 答案是:生

壹只狗四個口,猜壹個字 答案是:器

壹壹箭穿心,猜壹字 答案是:必

壹點壹橫長,壹撇到南洋,南洋有個人,只有壹寸長,猜壹個字 答案是:府

壹邊是水,壹邊是山,猜壹個字 答案是:汕

壹邊是紅,壹邊是綠,壹邊喜風,壹邊喜雨,猜壹個字 答案是:秋

七人八只眼,猜壹個字 答案是:貨

刀出鞘,猜壹字 答案是:力

十壹個讀書人 ,猜壹個字 答案是:仕

十二點 ,猜壹個字 答案是:鬥

冰 打壹字 涸

尖嘴老鴰,雙腳盤花。冰 打壹字 涸

尖嘴老鴰,雙腳盤花。不吃凡間俗米,只吃綢緞布紗 猜日用品 剪刀

大地之字 猜壹法律名詞 自然人

編號十二 猜壹科學術語或日用品 王碼

蓋壹半,露壹半,太陽出來曬壹半。 猜壹物 屋瓦

此物大而輕,肚內火燒心。 猜壹物 燈籠

天寒音訊絕 打壹紅樓人物名 雪雁

逐漸繁榮。猜水滸人物名 徐盛

水皺眉,樹搖動,花彎腰,雲逃走。 猜自然物 風

硬舌頭,尖嘴巴,不吃飯,光喝茶。 猜用品 鋼筆

尖長嘴,鐵刺骨,咬壹口,走壹步。 猜用具 剪刀

要玩他,才買他,買了他,卻打他。 猜娛樂品 鼓

會走沒有腿,會吃沒有嘴,過河沒有水,死了沒有鬼。 猜壹物 象棋

壹對夫妻,同命相依,白天結合,晚上分離。 猜壹物 鈕扣

壹物不才,比客先來,客來他不見,客走又出來。 猜用具 掃帚

來自水中,卻怕水沖,回到水裏,無影無蹤。 猜調味料 鹽

壹張大傘,飄在空中,落到地上,跳出英雄。 猜壹物 降落傘

新時白頭發,舊時變成黑,閑時戴帽子,忙時把帽摘。 猜文具 毛筆

遠看小洋樓,近看大饅頭,人在底下走,水在上面流。 猜用具 雨傘

指著妳的臉,按著妳的心,通知妳主人,趕快來開門。 猜電器 門鈴

不洗真乾凈,洗洗不乾凈,不洗有人吃,洗了無人用。 猜自然物 水

壹天過去,脫件衣裳,壹年過去,全身脫光。 猜用品 日歷

薄薄壹張紙,四邊生長細牙齒,兩地朋友要談心,必須請他當差使。 猜用品 郵票

有匹馬兒兩人騎,壹頭高來壹頭低,雖然馬兒不足路,兩人仍是笑嘻嘻。 猜遊戲物 蹺蹺板

坐也坐不安,立也立不牢,年紀雖然大,永遠不跌倒。 猜玩具 不倒翁

此物管八面,人人有兩片,用手摸的著,自己看不見。 猜器官 耳朵

遠看像小丘,近看像樓梯,上去壹步步,壹下滑到底。 猜遊戲物 滑梯

生在山中,顏色相同,來到人間,有綠有紅 猜植物壹 茶葉

小小壹姑娘,坐在水中央,身穿粉紅襖,陣陣放清香 猜植物壹 荷花

泥裏壹條龍,頭頂壹個蓬,身體壹節節,滿肚小窟窿 猜植物壹 蓮藕

小時頭青青,老來發白白,遠看似棉花,風來起白浪 猜植物壹 蘆葦

麻殼子,紅裏子,裹著白胖子。 猜植物壹 花生

高高綠骨兒,圓圓金黃臉,最愛向太陽,盈盈笑不停。 猜植物壹 向日葵

樣子像元寶,外殼黑又硬,生長在水裏,秋來大采收。 猜植物壹 菱角

小時能吃味道鮮,老是能用有人砍,雖說不是剛和鐵,渾身骨節壓不灣。 猜植物壹 竹子

四季青,巴長大,用手摸,毛蟲紮。 猜植物壹 仙人掌

牽藤藤,上籬笆,藤藤開花像喇叭,紅喇叭,白喇叭,太陽出來美如畫。 猜植物壹 牽牛花

說他是棵草,為何有知覺,輕輕壹碰他,害羞低下頭。 猜植物壹 含羞草

有跟不著地,綠葉開白花,到處去流浪,四海處處家。 猜植物壹 浮萍

頭上青絲如針刺,皮膚厚裂像龜甲,越是寒冷越昂揚,壹年四季精神好。 猜植物壹 松樹

身穿著蓑衣,肉兒香又甜,要脫去那蓑衣,就會手兒癢。 猜植物壹 芋頭

壹個婆婆園中站,身上掛滿小雞蛋,又有紅來又有綠,既好吃來又好看。 猜植物壹 棗樹

壹身毛,尾巴翹,不會走,只會跳。 猜動物 麻雀

口吐白雲白沫,手拿兩把利刀,走路大搖大擺,真是橫行霸道。 猜動物 螃蟹

小小諸葛亮,獨坐軍中帳,擺成八卦陣,專抓飛來將。 猜昆蟲 蜘蛛

1. What will you break once you say it? (什麽東西壹說出來就打破?)

2. Will liars be honest after they die? (騙子死了之後會誠實嗎?)

3. What always goes up and never goes down? (什麽東西只升不降?)

4. Why did the boy make his dog sit in the sun? (男孩為什麽讓他的狗坐在陽光下?)

5. Why can a bride hide nothing?(為什麽新娘子什麽也藏不住?)

6. Why is the library the highest building?(為什麽圖書館是最高的建築物?)

7. What is the smallest bridge in the world? (世界上最小的橋梁是什麽?)

8. What is the difference between the North Pole and the South Pole? (北極與南極的區別是什麽?)

9. What makes naughty boys long to work in a clock factory? (淘氣的男孩為什麽想去鐘表廠工作?)

10. What bird lifts heavy things? (什麽鳥能舉起重物?)

11. A ship can contain only fifty persons. Now there is already forty-nine persons in it. At this time,a pregnant woman comes on and boards the ship. The ship sinks.Why?(有壹艘船只能容納50人,現在已有49人。這時壹位孕婦上了船,船就沈了。為什麽?)

12. Why is the comet like Micky Mouse? (為什麽是慧星像米老老鼠?)

13. Who is closer to you, your mom or your dad? (誰跟妳比較親密,妳的媽媽或妳的爸爸?)

14. What's the poorest bank in the world? (世界的最貧窮的銀行是什麽?)

15. What month do soldiers hate?(軍人憎恨什麽月?)

16. An old woman has lived in one-story house before.Her body is very short. Afterwards,she moves into a big building and lives in the ninth story. However, when she comes back home each time,she always takes an elevator to the sixth story and gets off,then she walks to the ninth story.Why?(有位老婦人,從前住平房,並且個子非常矮,後來她搬進了壹個很高的樓裏,住在第九層,但是她每次回家,她總是乘電梯到第六層就下來,然後走到第九層。為什麽?)


1. Silence. (沈默)

2. No, they won’t. They lie still after they die。(不會,他們依舊撒謊。Lie still 躺著不動,依舊撒謊。

3. Your age. (妳的年齡)

4. He wants to have a hot dog. (他想要壹條熱狗。)

5. Because someone will give her away. (因為有人會揭發她。Give away 揭發,在婚禮上把新娘交給新郎)

6. It has the most stories. (它的樓層最多。Story 故事,樓層)

7. The bridge of a nose. (鼻梁)

8. A whole world. (整個世界。 a world of difference 天壤之別)

9. They want to make faces. (make face 做鬼臉,做鐘表面)

10. Crane. (鶴。Crane鶴,舉重機)

11. Because is a pigbot. (那是潛水艇。pigbot,潛水艇)

12. Because it is a star with a tail。(為它尾部有壹個星。)

13. Mom is closer, because Dad is father(farther)。(因為爸爸是父親 , 所以媽媽比較靠近。) (更遠的)

14. The river bank。(河岸。)

15. March。(行軍。)

16. 最後壹個留給大家自己想想吧。

17.有壹個人掉到壹個坑裏怎麽也爬不上來,為什麽?(猜壹單詞) 答案:invitation