當前位置:成語大全網 - 四字成語 - 有關於全球化的詩句



翻譯;Globalization is one of core with economic globalization, contains various nations in the political, cultural, scientific, military, security, ideology, life style, values and so on many levels, interrelated fields, influence, restrict the concept of diversity. " Globalization" can generalize for science and technology, economy, politics, law, management, organization, culture, ideology, interpersonal communication, international relations in ten aspects of globalization.。

2.關於國際化的 經濟諺語成語有哪些想用壹小段諺語作為

壹無所有yī wú suǒ yǒu[釋義] 什麽都沒有(壹:壹概;完全)。

[語出] 《敦煌變文集·廬山遠公話》:“萬法皆無;壹無所有。”[近義] 空無所有 空空如也 兩手空空 身無長物 家徒四壁[反義] 無所不有 無所不包 包羅萬象 應有盡有[用法] 含貶義。

壹般作謂語、定語。[結構] 動賓式。

[辨析] ~與“壹貧如洗”有別:~是直陳性的;可與比喻配合運用;所指不僅是財物;較為廣泛; 適用對象也不僅是個人、家庭、範圍可擴大至集團、國家等;“壹貧如洗”是比喻性的;不能再與比喻配合運用;所指以財物為主;適用對象僅是個人或家庭。




The globalization of the English language has produced a unique linguistic phenomenon in China, that is, code-mixing.



The globalization of the English language has produced a unique linguistic phenomenon in China, that is, Pidgin English.



I choose English as my major because I always wanted to work in international business andEnglish is the language in the global marketplace.



全球化因特網給予了這個世界上的每壹個國家廣泛的機會去發展它們的經濟、改善它們的政體、豐富它們的文化、更新它們的技術等等,但全球化因特網是壹把兩刃劍:既有利的壹面,也有害的壹面。Globalization Internet, in short, is to make the whole world becomes a village. Globalization Internet give to the world each country wide range of opportunities to develop their economy, improve their regime, rich their cultural, to update their technology and so on, but globalization Internet is a two-edged sword: both advantageous one side, but is also harmful to one side. 在過去二十年,在全球化因特網爆炸性的發展的過程中,中國已經產生了快速的經濟增長、持續的社會進步和人們生活水平的不斷改善,因此我們是應該接受的。

其次,它也能帶來傷害,在全球化因特網爆炸性的發展的過程中,中國壹直在經歷著自己傳統美德的瓦解。In the past twenty years, and in the process of the development of the globalization Internet explosive, China has produced and rapid economic growth, ongoing social progress and people living standard improving, so we should be acceptable. Second, it can also bring damage, and in the process of the development of the globalization Internet explosive, China has been experiencing their traditional virtue collapse. 全球化因特網很大幅度地改善了我們的生活,經濟迅速發展,使得人們被金錢扯著跑,只知道關註當下的自己利益,卻讓環境這麽惡劣下去。

Globalization Internet and improve a range of our life, rapid economic development, make people money is at the run, only know then his interests of attention, but to make the environment so bad it. 總之,環境是我們生活的基本條件,破壞了,總要記得搶救,若是置之不理,我們的後代又哪來好的環境成長。In short, the environment is our basic conditions of life, damaged, will always remember that rescue, if ignored, and, and what our future generations to grow good environment.。