1、我且逍遙山水人家,閑話桑麻。聽- -曲琵琶,曲終後,再無牽掛。
. I am also at ease in the mountains and rivers, g ossiping about mulberry and hemp. Listen to a pipa, after the end of the song, there is no conc ern.
Those prosperous sorrows have come to pass,please don't be disappointed, ordinary is for the most beautiful resounding ileum.
Well, I don't pick the peach blossom that I love,and | don't want my son.
Phoenix pairs, flying to the rainy autumn. Now,Phoenix is gone, Phoenix stays empty.
5、人生如路,須在荒涼中走出繁華的風景來。Life is like a path. One has to create his wonder ful scenery out of a wild landscape..
Hope for several years, want to send your book,but how to write between, thousands of words do not know where to start.
You said that Chang'an, a promise, let him flouri sh; later, the lights went out, and goodbye was s ilent.
In order to meet a person and enter the world, p eople go to me, this body does not leave dust.
Quiet water is deep, cangsheng tread song; thre e life clouds and sunshine are round and short,once sorrow and joy.
10、 願妳安然羽翼豐滿,我等妳等至,妳我成婚的夏天。
May you be safe and fllledged. 'll wait for yo u till the summer when you and | get married.
11、 哪怕千秋萬載世人笑我癡心不改,年復壹年我看遍滄海仍候君歸來。
Even if the world laughs at me for thousands of years, I still wait for you to come back year afte r year after year.
12、 宇宙洪荒,淚不盡遺世風霜。流年末世,此生癡守為壹人。
The universe is flooded and desolate, with endl ess tears. At the end of his lifetime, he was a fo ol in his life.
13、 若以色見我。以音聲求我。是人行邪道。不能見如來。
If you see me with color. Ask me with your voic e. It's an evil way. You can't see the Tathagata.14、只緣感君-回顧,使我思君朝與暮。
Only a review of the emperor's feelings makes me miss the emperor's days and nights.
15、 咽不下金蒓玉粒噎滿喉,照不見菱花鏡裏形容瘦。
You can't swallow the jade grains of the Golden Oriole and choke all over your throat. You can't see the thin description in the diamond mirror.