當前位置:成語大全網 - 端午節詩句 - 關於夕陽的英文詩句


1. 關於描寫夕陽的英語語句

The sunset is very beautiful and lovely. Its scene is as wonderful as a sunrise but it is even more beautiful to watch it in the country than in the city.(英語 作文) When the sun begins to set behind the mountains, its long rays light up the GREen fields. the clouds in the sky also begin to glow with a golden light, and the mountains are really colourful. When the sun begins to set behind the mountain, it looks like a red ball. Its light fills the sky and changes the colour of the clouds from gold to red. When the sun is gone altogether behind the mountain, the clouds turn GREy and the mountains become black. Then you cannot help admiring the wonder of nature。

2. 英文寫天空夕陽的詩歌

《Hold Me Close under,the sunset 》緊緊擁抱我,在夕陽下

Hold me close, under the sunset

and let Gods reds and oranges soothe your eyes,

like this is all a dream.

Hold me close, under the sunset.

You can kiss my neck a little, if you like.

Or better yet, walk my silk shirt off my shoulders.

Hold me close, under the sunset

and hear me chuckle as you do the same-

staring deep into my eyes.

Hold me close, under the sunset

in the middle of the park.

I don't mind; with you it could be anywhere.

Hold me close, under the sunset.

Scream for me, scream for me

and light me up like all those years ago.

Hold me close, under the sunset-

I whisper to you as you close your eyes.

You've probably passed out…

never mind;

You won't remember me, next time I slip something in your drink.

Daniel Alexander Howell

《As The Sunset》 當夕陽落下

As the sunset I think to myself why.

As the sunset I sit down and cry.

Wondering why life got to be a lie.

As the sunset I dropp my head.

As the sunset I think about you instead.

How can I go home and get in my bed.

As the sunset I say no.

As the sunset I just don't know.

My love that I have for u just wont go.

As the sunset I look to the sky.

As the sunset I wait to die.

Tell me how to say good-bye.

As the sunset I say a prayer.

As the sunset how can I dare.

I'm giving up, I just don't care.

Sitting by the window watching the sun to set.

Knowing I'm going to see you again,

and you coming back home at the end.

Brittany Smith

3. 外國描寫夕陽的詩歌

英國浪漫主義詩人約翰·濟慈的《秋頌》 英文版: To Autumn1Season of mists and mellow fruitfulness,⑴Close bosom-friend of the maturing sun,⑵Conspiring with him ⑶how to load and blessWith fruit the vines that round the thatch-eves run;⑷To bend with apples the moss'd cottage-trees,And fill all fruit with ripeness to the core;To swell the gourd, and plump the hazel shellsWith a sweet kernel; to set budding more,And still more, later flowers for the bees,Until they think warm days will never cease,For Summer has o'er-brimm'd their clammy cells.2Who hath not seen thee oft⑸ amid thy store?Sometimes whoever seeks abroad⑹ may findThee sitting careless on a granary floor,Thy hair sort-lifted by the winnowing wind;Or on a half-reap'd furrow sound asleep,⑺Dows'd with the fume of poppies, while thy hookSpares the next swath and all its twined flowers.And sometimes like a gleaner thou dost keepSteady thy laden head across a brook;Or by a cyder-press, with patient look,Thou watchest the last oozings ⑻hours by hours.3Where are the songs of Spring? Ay, where are they?Think not of them, thou hast thy music too,While barred clouds bloom the soft-dying day,⑼And touch the stubble-plains with rosy hue;Then in a waiful choir the small gnats mournAmong the river sallows,⑽ borne aloft⑾Or sinking as the light wind lives or dies;And full-grown lambs loud bleat from hilly bourn;⑿Hedge-crickets sing; and now with treble ⒀softThe red-breast whistles form a garden-croft;⒁And gathering swallows twitter in the skies.註釋:(1)Season of mists and mellow fruitfulness: 霧氣彌漫、果實成熟豐饒的季節(指秋天)。

(2)Maturing sun:使萬物成熟的太陽。(3)him:指太陽。

在這裏,詩人把秋天和太陽都人格化,因此,conspiring這詞的運用就頗具幽默感。(4)bless/with fruit the vines that round the thatch-eves run: 這半句的正常語序是:bless the vines that run round the thatch-eves with fruit,意為:賜福給屋檐周圍的葡萄藤累累的果實。

(5)oft: 即為often(古英語詞)。(6)seeks abroad:到戶外去走壹走。

(7)on a half reap'd furrow sound asleep: 這個句子的前半句在第二、三行,即whoever/may find/Thee sound asleep on a half reaped furrow。(8)oozings: 徐徐滴下的果汁。

(9)barred clouds bloom the soft dying day:傍晚的天空飄動著艷麗的帶狀雲彩.barrow帶狀的,條形的,the soft dying day,白晝靜靜地逝去,bloom,使艷麗;開花。(10)Sallows: 柳樹,柳枝。

(11)Borne alft:高飛。Borne 是bear的過去式,意為:運動,轉向:aflot,高高地。

(12)And full-grown lambs loud bleat from hilly bourn:意為羔羊篚了, 在山坡上大專地籲籲叫。Bourn,地區,領地。


秋頌---濟慈 (穆旦)查良錚 譯 霧氣洋溢、果實圓熟的秋, 妳和成熟的太陽成為友伴; 妳們密謀用累累的珠球, 綴滿茅屋檐下的葡萄藤蔓; 使屋前的老樹背負著蘋果, 讓熟味透進果實的心中, 使葫蘆膨脹,鼓起了榛殼, 好塞進甜核;又為了蜜蜂 壹次壹次開放過遲的花朵, 使它們以為日子將永遠暖和, 因為夏季早填滿它們的粘窠。 2 誰不經常看見妳伴著谷倉? 在田野裏也可以把妳找到, 妳有時隨意坐在打麥場上, 讓發絲隨著簸谷的風輕飄; 有時候,為罌粟花香所沈迷, 妳倒臥在收割壹半的田壟, 讓鐮刀歇在下壹畦的花旁; 或者.像拾穗人越過小溪, 妳昂首背著谷袋,投下倒影, 或者就在榨果架下坐幾點鐘, 妳耐心地瞧著徐徐滴下的酒漿 春歌何處?是呵,何處? 但不要想這些吧,妳也有妳的樂章—— 當如波的晚霞把將逝的壹天映照, 讓胭紅抹上殘梗散碎的田野, 這時啊,河柳下的壹群小飛蟲 就同奏哀音,它們忽而飛高, 忽而下落,隨著微風的起滅; 籬下的蟋蟀在歌唱,在園中 紅胸的知更鳥群起呼哨; 而群羊在山圈裏高聲地默默地哀鳴; 叢飛的燕子在天空呢喃不歇。

4. 用Sunset造個唯美的英文句子

1.The sunset was merely a flush of rose on a dome of silver.銀灰色的天穹上,落日只剩下最後壹抹玫瑰色的余輝。

2.May there be enough clouds in your life to make a beautiful sunset!願妳的生命中有足夠的雲翳來造成壹個美麗的黃昏!3.Just as the sunset,their love was so strong and beautiful for one time but only destined to be a memory for ever.就像西沈的落日壹樣,他們壹度如此強烈而美麗的愛註定只會成為永遠的記憶.4.Clouds come floating into my life from other days no longer to shed rain or usher storm but to give colour to my sunset sky.從別的日子裏飄浮到我的生命裏的雲,不再落下雨點或引起風暴了,而給予我的夕陽的天空以色彩。

5. 關於 夕陽 的五行打油詩 英語

A jolly young fellow from Yuma

Told an elephant joke to a puma

Now his skeleton lies

Beneath hot western skies –

The puma had no sense of huma (Ogden Nash)






6. 80分 急求關於黃昏,夕陽,的詩句及其翻譯,謝謝











7. 夕陽的英文單詞是什麽

夕陽,傍晚的太陽,英文為:the setting sun
















8. 關於描寫夕陽外形的語句

1) 遠處的地平線上,壹輪太陽將要落下,西天的晚霞揮動著絢麗的紗巾。膜糊間,遍地的小草都鍍上了壹片金黃色。晚風吹起來,壹支支狗尾草搖響壹渠黃昏的抒情曲。壹排排白色的小木屋出現了,像童話壹般精致,又像夢壹樣美麗。

2) 時光悄悄地溜走,暑氣跟著陣陣海風徐徐地遠離。夕陽也漸漸收斂了光芒,變得溫和起來,像壹只光焰柔和的大紅燈籠,懸在海與天的邊緣。興許是懸得太久的緣故,只見它慢慢地下沈,剛壹挨到海面,又平穩地停住了。它似乎借助了大海的支撐,再壹次任性地在這張碩大無朋的床面上頑皮地蹦跳。大海失去了原色,像飽飲了玫瑰酒似的,醉醺醺地漲溢出光與彩。

3) 夕陽西去,壹盞茶飲到無色,無味,暮色漸起。拈壹朵花,端坐禪房,靜寂,燃壹炷香,菖蒲上默誦經文;涼的夜,如註的雨,落打荷葉聲聲起,可否,凝聚我所有念,於佛前虔誠的祈禱,佑:青城無恙,亭廊深巷歌吟唱,歲月靜好,靜好安然。

4) 那壹刻,巡古苑,采幽香,笑看芳草添新妝。臨風陌上,邀文談筆友,作詩萬首,琴棋書畫,飲酒千壺,且看翠柳醉夕陽。曲徑通幽處,剪紅情,裁綠意,鶯歌燕舞,心靜,影動。

5) 秋天的夕陽也富有詩情畫意,夕陽染紅了天邊的雲彩,圓盤大的夕陽很快在雲彩的映襯下落下墻頭,黑暗的陰影逐漸籠罩了大地。最後,太陽像捉迷藏壹樣跳進了山裏,黑暗立刻吞噬了大地,既而,如同白晝的燈光亮了起來,打破了短暫而可貴的黑夜。