Status: Tang poetry is the highest achievement of the development of poetry in china. It inherits the Wei and Jin Dynasties the essence of poetry, and due to the opening of Tang culture, clear political, as well as the rulers of the respected, the poetry of the Tang Dynasty has a great development, such as the Tang Dynasty imperial examination system to take an examination of poetry special. And most of the Tang Dynasty poet love roaming, such as Li Bai, Du Fu have traveled half a Chinese, makes the poet horizons, poetry theme is extensive, rich lenovo. In the poetry of the Tang Dynasty is a master of ancient Chinese poetry and to future generations is difficult to match the position, is the highest in the history of Chinese poetry. Effects: the creation of the poetry of the Tang Dynasty diversity, rich in subject matter, to the later poetry creation provides a good template. As the saying goes, familiar with the three hundred Tang poems, not a poem will sing. The same due to Tang poetry achievement too high so that future generations are difficult to surpass, so the development of new literature in the field, the emergence and development of Ci Poetry of the Song Dynasty is a good example.
Painting is silent poetry, and poetry is a speaking picture. 畫是無言的詩, 詩是有聲的畫。 ?Look at these pictures, can you tell the names of these famous poets? Who do you like best? Why
白居易 ?王維 ?杜甫 ?李 白 ?
A high point of classical Chinese poetry occurred during the Tang period : not only was this period prolific in poets,but also in poems . During the time of Tang in China, poetry was integrated into(與....相結合) almost every aspect of the professional and social life of the literate class. Poetry in the Tang Dynasty is an unparalleled(無與倫比的) system and reaches the pinnacle(到達頂峰) in the development of the poem. It really deserves its fame(名不虛傳) as a rarity of Chinese culture. Its dazzling value consists of(由.....組成) an ideal combination of thoughts and art. ?
The range of subjects of Tang poetry?
Some reflect the social situations(社會環境) and conflicts at that time from side and reveal the darkness feudal society(封建社會); some sing the praises of just wars(正義的戰爭) and express patriotic thought(愛國 思想),some depict(描述) the beauty of the homeland. ?
When considering authors, we find that, poets exist in(存在 於) all walks of life(各行各業), ranging from(從....到......) emperors, officials, monks, peasants, fishermen and even children. From the point of view of themes(從主題的角度), it tells of politics, the military, history, landscapes, street scenes, love and so on. From angle of style(從風格的角度), there are creations of varying depth and initiated through numerous and complicated genres. ?
The translations have a __free_ form. ?
望夫石 王健?
望夫處,江悠悠。 化為石,不回頭。 山頭日日風復雨, 行人歸來石應語。 ?
What’s the title in Chinese If you would ask me how my sorrow has increased, Just see the over-brimming river flowing east! 問君能有幾多愁, 恰似壹江春水向東流。 ——李煜 ?
How long will the bright moon appear? Wine-cup in hand, I ask the sky. I do not know what time of year, It would be tonight in the palace on high. 明月幾時有? 把酒問青天。 不知天上宮闕, 今夕是何年 ? ——蘇軾 眾裏尋他千百度, 驀然回首, 那人卻在, 燈火闌珊處。 ?
I look for her in vain. When all at once I turn my head, I find her there where lantern light is dimly shed. ?--- 辛棄疾 ?
Match A.楓橋夜泊 B.贈汪倫 C.回鄉偶書 1. to show the poet’s determination to fight to the end 2. tell readers to value love 3. to tell a story of an old man coming home which he left long ago 4. to describe friendship 5. convey(show) the poet’s feeling of homesickness. 6. describe a night scene ?
D.相思 E.過零丁洋 F.靜夜思