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求Robert Burns的壹首詩歌A red red rose 英文主題賞析。

這首詩習慣上被翻作“我的愛人像朵紅紅的玫瑰”,而我習慣地翻作“我愛的人像朵紅紅的玫瑰”,壹來,我覺得“愛人”這個詞在漢語裏可能會有多重含義,比如說有“丈夫會妻子”的含義,而我覺得Burns這裏所指的大約是“戀人”或者“honey”的意思,所以我寧願用後者。這首詩也是Burns的抒情詩裏的名作,同樣表現人類壹種***通的感情。這首詩200多年以來壹直是作為壹首愛情名詩廣泛被吟唱,據說“紅玫瑰”與愛情之間的聯系也源於這首詩,只不過對於這種說法我沒有進行進壹步的考證。讀著Burns這優美的愛語,我想即使普通人都會產生強烈的感情沖擊,何況是對於熱戀中的情人們呢。“詩人本是風流客”,這其實是對Burns很好的寫照,Burns雖然壹生雖短,但從他15歲第壹次戀愛開始,壹生有過很多情人和風流韻事,自然他也寫出了不少情詩,他的處女作《呵!我愛過》就是壹首情詩,其它著名的情詩還包括:《瑪麗·莫裏遜》、《天風來自四面八方》、《約翰·安特森,我的愛人》、《壹次親吻》、《高原的瑪麗》、《走過麥田來》等等,可以說,詩人前期的創作基本上是圍繞了愛情這條主線,這條線索甚至幾乎貫穿了詩人的創作生涯。This poem customarily Fanzuo "My wife duo, like red roses," I used to Fanzuo "I love the portraits duo red rose," the one, I think "love" is the word in Chinese Lane may have multiple meanings, for example, the "husband would a wife" has the meaning, and I think about Burns referred to here as "Lovers" or "honey" meant, so I would prefer the latter.

This poem is lyrical poetry of Burns masterpiece, the same performance for a common human feeling. This poem has been more than 200 years as a famous poem of love is widely singing, said to be "Red Rose" and also the source of the link between love this poem, but I do not have this argument further verified. Burns reading this beautiful words of love, I think even ordinary people will have a strong emotional impact, let alone the people for couples in love do.

"This is a romantic poet-off," Burns This is indeed a good reflection of, Burns though life is short, but from his first love of 15-year-old began his life had a lot of love and romance, naturally he also wrote the non - little poems, and his debut, "Oh! I loved "is a love poem, and other well-known poems include:" Malimoli Xun "," days the wind comes from all directions, ", my love, "" a kiss "," Plateau Mary, "" wheat field came to ", etc., can be said that the creation of the early poet of love basically revolves around this main line,

This thread is almost even throughout the poet's creative career.