The Lorelei by Heinrich Heine
Translated by Aaron Kramer
I cannot explain the sadness
That's fallen on my breast.
An old, old fable haunts me,
And will not let me rest.
The air grows cool in the twilight,
And softly the Rhine flows on;
The peak of a mountain sparkles
Beneath the setting sun.
More lovely than a vision,
A girl sits high up there;
Her golden jewelry glistens,
She combs her golden hair.
With a comb of gold she combs it,
And sings an evensong;
The wonderful melody reaches
A boat, as it sails along.
The boatman hears, with an anguish
More wild than was ever known;
He's blind to the rocks around him;
His eyes are for her alone.
--At last the waves devoured
The boat, and the boatman's cry;
And this did with her singing,
The golden Lorelei. 什麽是愛What is love
Love is a star shrouded in morning fog
Without you
Heaven is hell
Li River War lovely, subtle shaking
This. . . Shy sweet embrace -
On your beautiful lips,
I preferred kissing instead of the language
My kiss is like the smoke from my heart a flame!
Yesterday kissed my happiness,
today has come to naught,
I received a sincere love
Always the total can not be sustained.
Women to men there is a way to be happy;
but unfortunately the way to a man trapped in there more than three thousand kinds!
Only among the only true love.
"What is love?"
"..." No one can answer. 德國,壹個冬天的童話Germany. A Winter's Tale
A novel song, a better song,
My friends, I'll have you try!
Let's make a heaven here below,
Not wait for one in the sky.
We want to taste of bliss on earth,
No longer starve and wait,
Make gready drones stop squandering
What toiling hands create.
This earth produces bread enough
For all who on it dwell,
And roses and myrtle, beauty and joy,
And sugarplums as well.
Yes---sugarplums for everyone
To sweeten bread and curds!
The kingdom of heaven we gladly leave
To the angels and the birds.
The Songs of Love & Grief, Heinrich Heine 從別處找的,找的太雜了,參考都不知道從何參考了...