英文版如下: i fear that i will always be A lonely number like root three A three is all that's good and right Why must my three keep out of sight Beneath a vicious square-root sign? I wish instead I were a nine For nine could thwart this evil trick With just some quick arithmetic I know i'll never see the sun As 1.7321 Such is my reality A sad irrationality When,hark,just what is this I see? Another square root of a three Has quietly come waltzing by Together now we multiply To form a number we prefer Rejoicing as an integer We break free from our mortal bonds And with a wave of magic wands Our square-root signs become unglued Andlove for me has been renewed. 中文釋義: 我害怕,我會永遠是那孤獨的根號三。三本身是壹個多麽美妙的數字,我的這個三,為何躲在那難看的根號下。我多麽希望自己是壹個九,因為九只需要壹點點小小的運算,便可擺脫這殘酷的厄運。我知道自己很難再看到我的太陽,就像這無休無止的1.7321……我不願我的人生如此可悲。直到那壹天,我看到了,另壹個根號三。如此美麗無瑕,翩翩舞動而來,我們彼此相乘,得到那夢寐以求的數字,像整數壹樣圓滿。我們砸碎命運的枷鎖,輕輕舞動愛情的魔杖。我們的平方根,已經解開。我的愛,重獲新生。我無法保證能給妳童話般的世界,也無法保證自己能在壹夜之間長大。但是我保證,妳可以像公主壹樣永遠生活在自由,幸福之中。