當前位置:成語大全網 - 端午節詩句 - 急求!列夫·托爾斯泰《窮人》 英文版 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

急求!列夫·托爾斯泰《窮人》 英文版 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!



The fisherman's wife Revolution stoves sitting next to fill a broken sail. Outside the wind whistled, the surging waves slap the coast, splashing gas rounds of the spray. The sea is an turmoil, dark cold outside, this fishing hut actually warm and comfortable. In a clean sweep, stoves, has not put out the fire, utensils Shelf in the glitter. A white curtain hung on the bed, five children is the sound of wind whistling quietly to sleep. Husband driven boats to sea early morning, this time has not come back. Elder listening to the roar of the waves and the wind howled, feel frightened.
