夢想是目標希望dream is goal(目標)hope(希望)
農民伯伯是期望好的豐收年Farmers’dream is a harvest year.
工人夢想著好的工作環境Workers’dream is good working environment.
學生期待著好的成績Students’dream is a high score.
軍人有著馳騁疆場保家衛國的信念Soldiers havebeliefindefending our homeland in battles.
漂泊者有著心中美麗的殿堂Wanderers haveabeautiful palaceintheirhearts.
個人的夢像璀璨的星辰Personal dream is the bright stars
中國夢是整個蔚藍的星空China’s dream is the blue sky
星辰點綴著天空的美景sky is dotted with stars
國家之天空保護著每壹個人的夢想星辰Stars are being protected by sky
強國夢支持著美麗的畫面Beautifulpictures are supported by the dream of having a strong country.
國之強盛為之the strong of a country
每壹個可愛的笑容eachsweet smile
每壹個歡快的笑聲eachhappy laugh
每壹個優雅的舉止eachelegant manner
每壹處漂亮的風景eachbeautiful scenery
每個夢。。。every dream
風聲,雨聲,讀書聲,聲聲入耳we can hear the sound of wind, rain and reading.
國事,家事,天下事,事事關心we concern about theaffairs of state, family and the world.
中國夢 ----強國夢---我的夢
China’s dream---the dream of a strong country---my dream
sunhm665 這是壹還有2版呵呵