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信天翁/波德萊爾/中文譯 錢春綺

常常,為了消遣,航船上的海員(Sometimes for sport the men of loafing crews

捕捉些信天翁,這種巨大的海禽,(Snare the great albatrosses of the deep,

它們,這些懶洋洋的航海旅伴,(The indolent companions of their cruise

跟在飄過苦海的航船後面飛行。(As through the bitter vastitudes they sweep.

海員剛把它們放在甲板上面,(Scarce have they fished aboard these airy kings

這些笨拙羞怯的碧空之王,(When helpless on such unaccustomed floors,

就把又大又白的翅膀,多麽可憐,( They piteously droop their huge white wings

像雙槳壹樣垂在它們的身旁。(And trail them at their sides like drifting oars.

這插翅的旅客,多麽怯懦呆滯!(How comical, how ugly, and how meek

本來那樣美麗,卻顯得醜陋滑稽!(Appears this soarer of celestial snows!

壹個海員用煙鬥戲弄它的大嘴,(One sailor bums them with his pipe, his mate

另壹個蹺著腳,模仿會飛的跛子!(One, limping, mocks the cripple as he goes.

雲霄裏的王者,詩人也跟妳相同,(The Poet, like this monarch of the clouds,

妳出沒於暴風雨中,嘲笑弓手;(Despising archers, rides the storm elate.

壹被放逐到地上,陷於嘲罵聲中,(But, stranded on the earth to jeering crowds,

巨人似的翅膀反倒妨礙行走。(The great wings of the giant baulk his gait.