當前位置:成語大全網 - 端午節詩句 - 吳奇隆和劉詩詩在湖南跨年演唱會上唱的歌叫什麽名?順便說壹句,第壹次發現劉詩詩其實挺漂亮的。


《等妳的季節》是電視劇《步步驚心》插曲,也是演員劉詩詩的第壹首單曲。歌詞中英文對照  《等妳的季節》 A Season Waiting for You</B> 曲:嚴藝丹 詞:嚴藝丹 演唱:劉詩詩 Lyrist: Yan Yidan Composer: Yan Yidan Sung by: Cecilia Liu 譯者:許景城 (Peter Cooper Xu) 等夏天等秋天 Waiting for Summer, for the Fall 等下個季節 For next season ‘s call 要等到月亮變全 Until the moon is full and bright 妳才會回到我身邊 When you come back to my sight. 要不要再見面 Whether to meet again, 沒辦法還是想念 Missing is still in my brain. 突然想看妳的臉 My sudden craving for seeing thou 熟悉的感覺 Is somewhere in sight. 不牽手也可以漫步風霜雨雪 No holding hands we can still roam in rain and snow 不能相見也要朝思暮念 No meeting we should still yearn day and night. 只想讓妳知道 Just wanting you to know 我真的很好 I live really well. 愛壹生 戀壹世 A lifetime love, A lifetime spell 我也會等妳到老 I’ll still await you till we old grow. 只想讓妳知道 Just wanting you to know 放不下也忘不掉 I can’t let it go and forget 妳的笑 妳的好 Your smile and your keen show, 是我溫暖的依靠 Where my heart warmth is beset. 只想讓妳知道 Just wanting you to know 我真的很好 I live really well. 愛壹生 戀壹世 A lifetime love, A lifetime spell 我也會等妳到老 I’ll still await you till we old grow. 只想讓妳知道 Just wanting you to know 放不下也忘不掉 I can’t let it go and forget 妳的笑 妳的好 Your smile and your keen show, 是我溫暖的依靠 Where my heart warmth is beset.