She dwelt among the untrodden ways 她居住在白鴿泉水之旁,
Beside the springs of Dove; 那裏人跡罕至,道路四通八達;
A maid whom there were none to praise, 那位少女,無人贊賞,And very few to love: 也無人愛戀。
A violet by a mossy stone 無人發覺被滿是青苔的巖石
Half hidden from the eye! 半掩的那株紫羅蘭!--
---Fair as a star, when only one 她如星星般美麗,
Is shining in the sky. 那天空中唯壹閃爍的星星。
She lived unknown, and few could know 無人知道生時的她,
When Lucy ceased to be; 也無人知曉她何時離去;
But she is in her grave, and oh, 然而,此時她沈睡在墳墓之中,
The difference to me! 哦,這對於我,是何等的殘忍!