基督教感恩節的歌是You Raise Me Up。
you raise me up這首歌是壹首贊美詩,事實上是歌頌上帝,告誡人們在任何艱難壓抑的情況下,靠著上帝勝過自己、勝過環境的“福音類”的歌。
間奏的風笛更是讓人深陷音樂深海之中無法自拔,作為少有的勵誌和感恩音樂,最後的合唱氣勢磅礴,堅定有力。其中有壹句you raise me up,to walk on stormy seas,是從《聖經》的典故而來----耶穌走在海面上。
中文意思簡單可翻譯為“是妳鼓舞了我”,是壹支由new age music樂隊secret garden(神秘園)演唱的歌曲名稱,被多次翻唱。
you raise me up.
secret garden.
lyrics by:brendan graham.
music by:rolf lovland.
solo:brian kennedy.
when i am down and,oh my soul,so weary.
when troubles come and my heart burdened be.
then,i am still and wait here in the silence.
until you come and sit a while with me.
you raise me up,so i can stand on mountains.
you raise me up,to walk on stormy seas.
i am strong,when i am on your shoulders.
you raise me up...to more than i can be.
you raise me up,so i can stand on mountains.
you raise me up,to walk on stormy seas.
i am strong,when i am on your shoulders.
you raise me up...to more than i can be.
there is no life-no life without its hunger.
each restless heart beats so imperfectly.
but when you come and i am filled with wonder.
sometimes,i think i glimpse eternity.
you raise me up,so i can stand on mountains.
you raise me up,to walk on stormy seas.
and i am strong,when i am on your shoulders.
you raise me up...to more than i can be.
you raise me up...to more than i can be.