四喜丸子 four happy ball (漢語的意思是四個高興的丸子)
麻婆豆腐 bean curd made by an old woman with pockmarked face (漢語意思是壹個長滿麻子的老太婆做的豆腐),想想也夠令人惡心的。想想魯迅先生筆下的豆腐西施,多麽能引起人們的食欲,就是古華的《芙蓉鎮》裏的胡玉音,也是俊俏無比的,豆腐才誘人;壹個滿面麻子的老婆子賣的豆腐,不要說吃了,看著就讓人倒胃口。
童子雞 a chick that which have no sexual life (漢語意思是壹只還沒有過性生活的雞)妳說好笑不?
還有:豬下青=pig under the green(這個是青下豬吧?)
鮮豬爽肚=fresh shuang belly pig
黃沙豬潤=huangsha pig run
走地雞片=sliced chicken go to
花姿片=Tzu-film flowers
玉子豆腐=yu son of toufu
九肚魚=nine fish belly
手打墨魚丸=Mexican hand fighting fish
生面=health surface
出前壹丁=a previous small
幹煸魚頭fuck a fish head
海幹貨 the sea fucks goods