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相談甚歡 雙語例句

1. 有時候妳會和隊友相談甚歡,有時候會爭得酡顏脖子粗。

Sometimesyou have great connections, sometimes you get in arguments.

2. 2005年7月底,我在馬爾康巧遇曲尼朗珠,相談甚歡,我見到他那些神秘的法器,想拍攝下來,出於禁忌他沒讓我拍,於是給他三個兒子拍了些照片和他告別。

After settling down, we sat together drinking tea and chatting, and i told him the story about my experience in the two journeys in tibet lasting 4 months in recent two years.

3. “我們相談甚歡。”——“是嗎?談了些什麽?”

'We had a very interesting chat.'—'Really? About what? '

4. 美國總統奧巴馬正在實踐壹種新型外交手段。在為期三天的東南亞三國訪問中,他第壹站到訪的是泰國,與迷人的泰國美女總理英拉看來相談甚歡,被指有打情罵俏之嫌。

President Obama is practicing a new brand of foreign relations, appearing to flirt with Thailands attractive prime minister on his first stop of his three-day tour of Southeast Asia.

5. 對與妳在這個會議場合相談甚歡的人說:「我真的得走了,但非常高興認識妳。