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1. “親耳聽到,親眼看到”的類似詞語

耳聞目睹耳聞目睹,讀音ěr wén mù dǔ釋義:為親耳聽到,親眼看見。



英文解釋what one sees and hears;fall under one's observation;what is heard and seen例句黨教導妳,不得相信妳耳聞目睹的證據。The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears.當我們參加了工作,真正走上了社會,耳聞目睹了人的全部生活本真。

When we took a job on the society and all who hears the true life.從電視,報刊等媒體上又耳聞目睹了許多他人生產的痛苦經歷,考慮到自己也將經歷此過程,心中不免焦慮。From television, newspapers and other media and hears many others production painful experience, consideringthemselves and will go through this process, in the heart not anxiety.這是幾天前,壹名讀者向朝日新聞來信,講了他在東京電力公司的壹個展覽館裏耳聞目睹的壹段往事。

This is a few days ago, a reader letter to the asahi shimbun, tokyo electric power about his pany in an exhibition hall inface value for some of the past.妳,妳本人,曾經多次說過,還有壹次是在聯合國大會上,我親自耳聞目睹。妳說美國不應該對別的國家的安全負責。

You, yourself, said on many occasions, one of them in the un general assembly, I was witness to that personally, thatamerica is not responsible for the security of other peoples.至今她所耳聞目睹的壹切--僅僅只是些零碎的印象--表明這家人頗有些高雅,而且生活富裕。因此對今後可能發展的友誼,嘉莉已經作好了準備。

Everything she had seen and heard thus far--the merest scraps and shadows--indicated that these people were, in ameasure, refined and in fortable circumstances. So carrie was ready for any extension of the friendship which mightfollow.在去年年末鄉鎮換屆中,筆者通過對所在地區鄉鎮的調研,耳聞目睹了壹些鄉鎮在選拔任用幹部中存在的問題,並在此基礎上進行了深層次的思考。Last year year end villages and towns is changed in, the author carries the survey of pair of seat area villages and towns,what one sees and hears the problem that a few villages and towns exist in choose appoint cadre, had deep arrangementon this foundation think.耳聞目睹了家鄉發生的可喜變化,便手中的筆,樸實地記敘了家鄉在兩個文明建設中所取得的新成就,欣喜之情從字裏行間洋溢。

This year during the spring festival, this print journalist returns home town, what one sees and hears the wele changeof home town happening, the pen in the hand, guileless ground narrate home town is in o civilized construction gainsnew success, happy situation is permeated with from beeen the lines.。

2. 表示親眼目睹的成語











3. 耳聞目()左()右()四字詞語

耳聞目睹:發 音 ěr wén mù dǔ 釋 義 :聽見;睹:看見.親耳聽到,親眼看見.出 處 《資治通鑒·唐紀睿宗景雲二年》:“口說不如身逢,耳聞不如目睹.” 耳聞目染(耳聞目染) 解釋同“ 耳濡目染 ”.孫犁 《序》:“老伴是壹個文盲,她之所以能‘青年作家’雲雲,不過是因為與我朝夕相處,耳聞目染的結果.” 從維熙 《北國草》第壹章五:“由於他小時候在 巴黎 耳聞目染的結果,愛情比同齡的年輕人要早醒得多.” 耳聞目覽 拼音:ěr wén mù lǎn 簡拼:ewml 近義詞:耳聞目見、耳聞目擊、耳聞目睹 用法:作賓語、定語;指所見所聞 親自聽見和親眼看見的 出處:唐·孫揆《靈應傳》:“寶及晡方寤,耳聞目覽,恍然如在.” 耳聞目見:親耳聽見,親眼看見.左書又息:比喻倒行逆施左提右挈:相互扶持;左右輔佐左輔右弼:①《孔叢子·論書》:“王者前有疑,後有丞,左有輔,右有弼,謂之四近.”後以“左輔右弼”指帝王或太子左右的輔佐近臣.②左右輔助.左顧右盼:①左看看,右看看.形容得意的神態.②仔細觀察.。