詞典釋義arguevi. 爭論,辯論;提出理由;vt. 辯論,爭論;證明;說服;n. (Argue)人名;(英、法)阿格。
debaten. 辯論;(正式的)討論;v. (尤指正式)討論,辯論;仔細考慮。
dispute 基本解釋:辯論,爭論;激烈爭辯;爭執;爭吵;吵架
dispute 變化形式:復數: disputes;第三人稱單數: disputes;過去式: disputed;過去分詞: disputed;現在分詞: disputing。
1、不想再辯論下去了。I don't want to argue with you anymore.
2、激烈辯論以後終於作出了決定。After some heated argument a decision was finally taken.
3、意見在辯論中截然相反。Their opinions were at opposite poles of the debate.
4、大學時便練就了辯論技巧。She honed her debating skills at college.
5、那場辯論最後以大吵大鬧收場。The debate ended in uproar.
6、學生就這些詩的美感展開了辯論。The students debated the aesthetic of the poems.
7、需要轉換壹下辯論的焦點。We need to shift the focus of this debate.
8、隨著辯論的繼續,火氣就上來了。As the debate went on, tempers began to fray.
9、偏離了辯論的主題。We seem to be straying from the main theme of the debate.