A?hit?TV series in China skewers cranky old parents
hit此處詞義:something such as a film, play, song etc that is very popular and successful風行壹時的事物〔如電影、戲劇、歌曲等〕
cause a stir?
這篇經濟學人文章中也用到了這個詞組:So the questioning of blind attachment to traditional values in “All is Well” is?causing a stir.
This?week, Xu Weizhou’s whiteboard pictures?caused a stir?on Weibo, and fans joked that the simple image probably marked the peak of the heartthrob actor’s art career.
become a(n) (instant) hit,?比如前幾個月熱起來的小豬佩奇:
In November, a fan-made Peppa Pig video dubbed in Chongqing dialect?became an instant hit?on video-sharing platform Bilibili, leading it to becoming dubbed in more than 15 other Chinese tongues, including Shanghainese, Sichuanese, and the northeastern accent.
cause/become/create a(n) (internet) sensation
The sex scenes in the film?caused a sensation. 這部影片中的性愛鏡頭引起了轟動。
be widely discussed
Qi Wei, the lead actress in?a new?widely discussed?TV series, “Beijing Women’s Manual,” showed off her new Gucci bag in a product demonstration video on Monday while wearing one of the pink, candy-dispensing watches.
go viral
viral也可以放名詞前面去修飾,意思為passed on to other people on the Internet or using?mobile phones〔在網絡上或用手機〕廣為傳播的
It is one of the most viewed?viral?videos on the web. 這是網絡上被觀看次數最多的“病毒視頻”。
It is no?mean feat to be?one of the top-ten trending hashtags on Weibo, China’s equivalent of Twitter, for 20 consecutive days and counting. “All is Well”, a show on provincial television which premiered on March 1st, has done just that.
it is no mean feat to do...?……絕非易事,feat可以用achievement, task等詞替換,都可以表示“不小的業績、成就、任務”等含義。
no mean後面還可以跟performer, player等表示職業的詞,了不起的演員/球員……
再看這部片名《都挺好》的翻譯:All is Well.? well 是形容詞做表語,意為“狀態良好、情況良好”。有壹句諺語很經典:All's well that ends well.結果好就算壹切都好。詞典中對這句諺語的解釋是:used when?something has ended happily, even though you thought it might not。如果壹件事情的結果還算皆大歡喜,但當事人不太滿意,那麽就可以用這句話安慰壹下。
Episodes of “All is Well” have been?streamed?more than 390m times.That exceeds the online?viewership?of the next most popular television series by 278m.
[T]?if you stream sound or video, you play it on your computer while it is being?download?edfrom the Internet, rather than saving it as a?file?and then playing it用串流[流式傳播]收聽[收看]
be streamed XX times也就是我們常說的播放量多少。播放量還可以是剛才後面這句的viewership。
還是上面這句話:Weibo, China’s?equivalent?of Twitter,
equivalent等同物,對應物,相當於中國的推特。類似的表達還有-esque這個詞綴,表示“似……般的”,比如Weibo,?China’s Twitter-esque?microblogging site.
同理可推,-like詞綴也是可以哦。比如之前外媒報道《紅海行動》和《戰狼》的時候,說它們featured a Rambo-like?hero battling Western villains,蘭博式的英雄,Rambo是誰?蘭博,西爾維斯特·史泰龍在《第壹滴血》、《第壹滴血續集》等多部美國影片中扮演的壹名勇猛好鬥的軍人,常用於形容那些認為打鬥與暴力是解決爭端唯壹方法的人。
The impending peril forces the world’s engineers to devise a plan to move the planet to a new solar system using giant thrusters. Things go very badly when Earth has to pass Jupiter, setting off a desperate scramble to save humanity from annihilation.
而《經濟學人》在介紹《都挺好》的劇情時,提到了背景:a Chinese family torn by internal conflict壹個因內部矛盾而四分五裂的中國家庭,提到了主要沖突:Su Mingyu is barely on speakign terms with her father and brothers. ... leads to constant bikering between...
The show tells the story of a fictional Chinese family torn by internal conflict. The female protagonist, Su Mingyu, is?barely on speaking terms with?her widowed father and one of her two brothers. The father is a?nagging?crank who expects his two adult sons to?bankroll?his lavish tastes. This leads to constant bickering between the brothers, neither of whom wants to be called unfilial.
on speaking terms的英文解釋是:sufficiently?friendly?to?talk?to?each?other.前面加上表示否定的barely,意為鮮少交談。
經濟學人用了這個詞a nagging crank,整天碎碎念的怪人。nagging=always complaining,這個詞還可以表示“難以消除的”,修飾疼痛、感覺,比如頭痛壹直不好,have a?nagging?pain in one's head.
bankroll,為……提供資金,及物動詞,後面的賓語直接跟被資助的對象,比如之前吳京投資了《流浪地球》,Wu has?bankrolled?"The Wandering Earth".?如果要以資金為賓語,則可以改為put up, 比如上面這個句子可以改寫為Wu?put up?his own investment in "The Wandering Earth".
Many Chinese can?relate to?the Su family’s troubles. 許多中國人對蘇家的問題深有同感。
relate to?表示認同、理解別人的問題、處境等,比如朋友考研失敗,妳想安慰他,告訴他妳能體會他此刻的心情,I know you feel upset and I can relate to that.
Viewers are transfixed by its rare portrayal of middle-class life,?warts and all.
warts and all: including all the faults or unpleasant things包括壹切缺點
Well, you married him –?warts and all.?哎呀,再不好,妳都已經嫁給他了。
“發脾氣”除了lose one's temper之外的表達
He?throws tantrums?and insists that his eldest son buy him a three-bedroom apartment.
tantrum尤指像小孩子壹樣沒來由的發脾氣,無理取鬧,通常搭配動詞have, throw.