deep culture is not noticed or understood in any profound sense. 並沒有實現真正深入的文化了解與觀察。
An English visitor to Thailand 壹位英籍旅客在泰國
may experience a profound sense 可能體驗到深深的
of cultural difference 文化差差異
when seeing monks with begging bowls. 當他目睹著和尚拿缽化緣時
The visitor hasn't -- strictly speaking -- 這旅客嚴格的來說沒有
had a Thai experience 體驗到泰國
but an English experience in Thailand. 不過是帶著受了英式背景和心態影響的泰式體驗
The deep elements of Thai cultural 泰式文化原理
are not those that are 不是建立在
the most sacred or symbolically important, 最神聖或最具象征價值的物件上
they are those that are most fundamental and subtle. 而是建設在最細微精巧的基礎