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可以說have a gossip嗎?


(1)有詞組 Have a gossip with...

與。。。閑聊 固定搭配

(2)She used to visit with her neighbours and have a good gossip.

她過去常去鄰居家中開心地閑聊。 來源於英漢詞典例句

(3)I'll give you the car one afternoon when work is slack, and you can go to her home and have a good gossip.

“等到哪壹天下午活兒輕松壹些,妳可以乘著車子到她家去,談個暢快。” 來源於英漢詞典的例句。

gossip有兩個詞性:(1) n. 流言蜚語, 愛說長道短的人, 閑話

(2) v. 散播(流言蜚語)
