當前位置:成語大全網 - 成語詞典 - 墨守成規,毫無建樹用英語怎麽翻譯


1. 墨守成規 to move in a groove

To move in a groove 是壹句成語,意思恰好是墨守成規。groove是事先刻好的槽。

2. 毫無建樹 to do nothing, to contribute nothing, to achieve nothing.


Amy does next-to-nothing for her job, but still earns a lot of money. 艾米在工作中毫無建樹,卻仍拿著不少工資。

He did nothing noteworthy during his tenure. 他在任職期間毫無建樹。

Tourism contributes nothing to increasing understanding between nations. 旅遊對增進民族了解毫無建樹。