當前位置:成語大全網 - 成語詞典 - 我發壹段話 誰能幫我翻譯?要地道的,不要詞典翻譯。

我發壹段話 誰能幫我翻譯?要地道的,不要詞典翻譯。

剛剛他在下班開車中給我打的電話,壹般他在工作或者在家都不方便接聽電話的。他在電話裏說我很不懂事,不懂的控制自己的情緒。他說和我在壹起精神壓力很大,他說想放手,說我現在就像吊死在壹棵枯樹上面,不值得。我說我願意,我覺得值得,他說他的身體也不行了,無法滿足我的需求,說我很傻。 請問我現在該怎麽挽回?

He just called me in his car on his way from work. Usually he doesn't call me from work or home. On the phone he said I was inconsiderate, and I didn't know how to control my emotions. He said being with me gave him such great pressure that he wanted to give up. He said what I'm doing now is like killing myself by hanging on a withered tree, and it's not worthwhile. I said I was willing, and I think it IS worthwhile. He said his body was not up to it, and couldn't satisfy my needs, and he said I was silly. What can I do to save this relationship?
