Waist-relaxed 腰圍
Waistband depth 腰頭寬
Hip@7cms above crotch 坐圍在胯部上方7厘米處
Front Rise excluding band 前浪(不含腰帶)
Back Rise excluding band 後浪(不含腰帶)
Inside leg finished 下襠縫
Hem 褲腳
Hem turn up depth 褲腳上翻寬度
Inside Leg “下襠”或稱“落檔”
Thigh @2.5cms below crotch 大腿圍(胯下2.5厘米處)
Knen @38cms below crotch 膝圍(胯下38厘米處)
Hem “下擺”或稱“腳口”,指衣服下部的邊沿部位。
Hem Depth 褲腳深
Hem split 褲腳開口
Length top of waist to top layer hem 褲長(腰部到褲腳上摺邊)
Length top of waist to bottom layer hem 褲長(腰部到褲腳下摺邊)
Waist-relaxed 腰圍
Hip@10cms below band 臀圍(在腰帶下方7厘米處)
Hem with top layer 褲腳上摺邊寬度
Hem width bottom layer 褲腳下摺邊寬度
Waistband depth 腰頭深(指的是穿皮帶的孔的長度)