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百度詞典 竭盡全力


讀 音 jié jìn quán lì 解 釋 竭盡:用盡。用盡全部的力量,形容做出最大努力。 出 處 《宋書·宗越傳》:“誅戮群公及何邁等,莫不盡心竭力,故帝憑其爪牙,無所忌憚。” 用 法 動賓式;作謂語、狀語 示 例 我們要~地把北京奧運會辦好 近義詞 盡心竭力、不遺余力,全心全意 反義詞 養精蓄銳

編輯本段典 故

這句成語原作“竭盡心力”,見於《三國誌·魏誌·賈逵傳》裴松之註引《魏略》:“竭盡心力,奉宣科法。” 東漢末年,有壹個叫楊沛的人,字孔渠,當過新鄭長。曹操路過新鄭的時候,部隊缺糧,楊沛幫助過曹操,因此深得曹操喜愛。曹操輔政以後,楊沛升為長社令。他不畏豪強,不管誰犯了法,都依法懲辦,得到曹操的稱許。 當時,曹操出征在外,聽說國都鄴城治安太亂,便發詔選壹個鄴城令,其入選標準是要有楊沛那樣的膽略和水平。選來選去,沒有合適的,於是將楊沛提拔為鄴城令(當時叫京兆尹)。楊沛上任之前,曹操召見了他,並問他如何治鄴。楊沛回答:“我壹定竭盡心力,大力宣傳法紀,使人人遵紀守法。”曹操聽後十分高興,對左右的人說:“妳們聽見了沒有,這才是使人敬服的人。”楊沛還沒正式上任,壹些豪強地主和皇親國戚聽說楊沛要來鄴城了,都紛紛告誡自己的子弟檢點壹些。 “竭盡全力”這句成語,常用來比喻用盡全部力量。



影片名稱:竭盡全力 英文名:Balls to the Wall 影片演員:咪咪·羅傑斯,珍娜·迪萬 影片類型:喜劇片 影片地區:歐美 影片狀態:DVD 上映日期:2011年4月30日




導演 Director: 佩內洛普·斯皮瑞斯 Penelope Spheeris 編劇 Writer: Jason Nutt ....screenplay 演員 Actor: 珍娜·迪萬 Jenna Dewan ....Rachel Matthews (as Jenna Dewan) 咪咪·羅傑斯 Mimi Rogers ....Mrs. Matthews 克裏斯托弗·麥克唐納 Christopher McDonald ....Mr. Matthews 考林·加普 Colleen Camp ....Maureen 小安東尼奧·薩巴圖 Antonio Sabato Jr. ....Uncle Sven Jennifer Elise Cox ....Horny Lady 梅麗莎·史密斯 Melissa Smith ....Melissa Jenica Bergere ....Candy lane Susan Yeagley ....Wedding Planner Dustin Ybarra ....Lewis Gardner Joe Hursley ....Ben Camelino Gabriel Tigerman ....Eddie Niles Matt Felker ....Chad Goldstein Mark Adair-Rios ....Officer Sanchez Raymond O'Connor ....Niles Brad Williams ....Trevor Krizia Bajos ....Anne Joy Gohring ....Mother of Ben Christian Stokes ....Uncle Andre Tisha French ....Corporate Executive Devon Marie King ....Pretty Girl 2 Tommy Bull ....Director of Strippapalooza Byron Field ....Uncle Ted Saman Nasir ....Female patron (as Saman Nasir) Ronnie Rodriguez ....Johnny Depp / Celebrity Judge Azmyth Kaminski ....Uncle Antoine Rico Devereaux ....Officer Drapkin Nic Few ....Charlemagne / Iceman Terrick Guindy ....Waiter Brooke Forbes ....Lady Gaga Megan Evanich ....Flashing Friend Norman Deesing ....Contest Judge Eder López ....Chippendale Contestant Candice Cash ....Blondie Kimberly Forchetti ....Club Patron Nathan Webnar ....Oleg Michael John Lane ....Uncle Alexi Jorge Ortiz ....Chad's Stylist John Butterfield ....Bens Dad Logan Hardwick ....Young Ben Dean Austin ....Officer Williams Amy Jean Davis ....Jessica Smith Danielle Catherine ....Bachelorette Jeff Scott Yasko ....Pervy Guy Lea Deesing ....Contest Audience Member Craig Greager ....Uncle Arturo Jimi Johnson ....Mom's Boyfriend Andrew Richard Reyes Hugg ....Uncle Alfredo Ron Celona ....Business Man David Astone ....Dancer (uncredited) Sophiah Koikas ....Fan (uncredited) Natalina Maggio ....Wedding Guest (uncredited) Basil McCurry ....Woman (uncredited) Chris Smith ....Male Dancer (uncredited) 制作人 Produced by: Tara L. Craig ....producer Matt Felker ....executive producer Brett Forbes ....producer Marie Fyhrie ....producer Eric Gores ....producer Patrick Rizzotti ....producer Erik Rommesmo ....co-producer Kirk Roos ....co-producer Patrick Stapleton ....co-producer 原創音樂 Original Music: 威廉·羅斯 William Ross 攝影 Cinematography: Christopher Popp 剪輯 Film Editing: Thouly Dosios 選角導演 Casting: Monika Mikkelsen 藝術指導 Production Designer: Nanci Roberts 服裝設計 Costume Design by: Erica Fyhrie 副導演/助理導演 Assistant Director: Joel DeLoach ....first assistant director Jay Guerra ....second assistant director Leah King ....second second assistant director


制作公司: EG Productions Fortress Features 發行公司: Midwest Movies(2011) (Canada) (all media)/(2011) (USA) (all media) Tanweer Films(2011) (Bangladesh) (all media)/(2011) (Sri Lanka) (all media)/(2011) (Pakistan) (all media)/(2011) (Nepal) (all media)/(2011) (Maldives) (all media)/(2011) (India) (all media)/(2011) (Bhutan) (all media) 其他公司: Chapman and Leonard Studio Equipmentcamera dollies Pierce Gorman LLP[美國]production legal services Sessions Payroll Management Inc.[美國]extras payroll services HD Creative Servicesadditional post-production services Imagine Postpost-production