當前位置:成語大全網 - 成語詞典 - 酒店英語單詞怎麽寫


問題壹:酒店的英語單詞是什麽 幾種英文單詞

(1) [Hotels]∶住的地方(2) [Public house]∶喝酒的地方

(3) [Hotel] 〈方〉∶較大而設備好的旅館

(4)[Guesthouse] :住宿的地方,與賓館近義


問題二:酒店的英文是什麽 1. wine shop 2. pub (public house) 近義詞或詞組 rummery | roadhouse | drinkery | grogshop | gasthaus | cabaret | pulperia | wineshop | winehouse | bodega | saloon | groggery | backage store | liquor store | L`Assvammoir | boozer 例句與用法 1. 酒店很不錯,但是那店主卻不怎麽樣。 It's a nice pub, except for the landlord. 2. 侍者正在介紹這家酒店。 The server is introducing the pub. 3. 附近沒有酒店, 至少據我所知沒有. There's no pub round here, leastways not that I know of. 4. 走進酒店的那個老頭子已經90歲了. That (old) gaffer going into the pub is 90 years old. 5. 他們到酒店喝酒去了. They've gone down/round to the pub for a drink. 6. 小酒店裏凈是身穿花呢衣服的農民. The pub was full of tweedy farmers. 7. 我們逐壹光顧了城裏所有的酒店. We did/went the rounds of all the pubs in town. 8. 他們到酒店喝了壹品脫的啤酒. They stopped at the pub for a pint.

問題三:酒店各部門的英語單詞怎麽寫 餐飲部:Food & Beverage Department

娛樂部:Recreation Department

保安部:Security Department

前廳部 Front Office

工程部Engineering Dept.

公關部Public Relation Department

客房部 House Keeping


問題四:酒店管理的英語單詞怎麽寫 Hotel management

問題五:餐廳的英語單詞是什麽? 餐廳

[cān tīng]

(飯廳,食堂) dining room [hall;mess]

(餐館) restaurant ◇餐廳經理 food and beverage manager;banquet manager;餐廳侍者 mes *** oy

問題六:酒店辦理入住登記英語單詞怎麽寫 check in英[t?ek in]美[t?k ?n]



問題七:客棧的英文單詞怎麽寫 客棧

[詞典] inn; hostel; lodge; roadhouse; [德] gasthaus;


There is an air of romance about the old inn.