當前位置:成語大全網 - 成語詞典 - 弊端用英語怎麽說?


問題壹:利弊英文怎麽說 10分 advantages and disadvantages


問題二:"權衡利弊"用英語怎麽說 權衡利弊


pres and cons ;

strike a balance ;

strike a balance between ;

take one thing with another ;

taken one thing with another ;

took one thing with another; weigh the advantages and disadvantages;


vantages and dis advantages;

weigh the advantages and disadvantages;

weigh the pros and cons

[參考詞典]:漢英綜合大詞典 漢英法學大詞典 漢英經貿大詞典 漢英航海大詞典 漢英綜合大詞典

問題三:對 有壞處用英語怎麽說用bad說 be bad for


be harmful tobe injurious to

be detrimental for

問題四:對.....有好/壞處 用英語怎麽說 be good/bad for..

問題五:"權衡利弊"用英語怎麽說 balance(count) advantages and disadvantages

問題六:對什麽有壞處?用英語怎麽說? be bad for, do harm to

問題七:任何事都有利弊用英語怎麽說 evething has advanages and disadvantages,so dose internet.

advantages:get information,to know something new or interesting.

disadvatages:get absorbed in internet have no time to study or learn

問題八:“沒有什麽壞處”用英語怎麽說? It doesn't do any harm.

或者:There 耽s nothing bad in it.