這是:商務英語考試(BUSINESS ENGLISH CERTIFICATE簡稱BEC)的真題,指的是劍橋商務英語資格考試。
A manufacturer of sportsshoes starts selling consumer electronics. A soft drink lends its name to arange of urban clothing. What’s going on? In simpler times, you knew where youwere with brands. One brand name meant good-quality sports shoes, another a softdrink. No confusion. Today, however, big companies try to redefine brands asnot so much a product, more a way of life, and stretch them into new areas. Inthe early years of the consumer society, a brand name on a box simplyidentified what was inside. People were looking for products that would improvetheir quality of life, and chose brads most likely to achieve that purpose. Butas people in industrialized nations became more affluent and fulfilled theirbasic needs, brands acquired other attributes. The functionality of the productwas still important, but people also started using brands to say somethingabout themselves, for example, choosing a brand of cosmetics which wouldsuggest that they were sophisticated jet-setters.
Now, we have entered athird age of branding, in which so many companies are making roughly the sameproduct at roughly the same price that functionality rarely succeeds as a pointof differentiation. Instead, companies are trying to make their brands standout by emphasizing their emotional aspects, hoping consumers will identify withthe set of values the brand represents.
One disadvantage of aproduct-based brand is that if the product goes out of fashion, the brand goeswith it. This is a serious concern for manufacturers of breakfast cereals, whoare struggling to counter weak demand for the products that bear their names.So far, their marketing efforts seem to be having little effect. The advantagefor emotional brands is that companies can transfer their brand strength into otherareas, increasing revenues and reducing their exposure to the lifespan of asingle product.
The elasticity of brandsseems to be related to their position on a spectrum ranging from those rootedin solid, tangible assets to those with highly intangible, emotional qualities.At the one end, you have train companies that tend to associate themselves withinfrastructure and their ability to get you from A to B, and at the other endwould be a leisure brand that positions itself on dreams and making people havefun. It is the latter which has the maximum potential for stretch.
But even emotionalbrands have a limit to their elasticity. The merchandise has to be consistentwith the brand promise. Just to sell merchandise with your logo on it is ashort-term, mistaken idea. From this viewpoint, the decision to move fromsports shoes into consumer electronic makes sense. Most items in the range,such as the two way radio for hikers, are sports-focused, even though theproducts may be adopted as fashion accessories, and the sports shoe customerswill probably snap them up.
When the move was madeform soft drinks into clothing, however, it left the branding consultants cold.It was a difficult mental leap into clothing from the drink so closelyassociated with that particular brand name. On the other hand, the emotional attributesthat youngsters seem to find appealing in the drink, like its heritage andglobal appeal, are fashionable at the moment, and in fact response to theclothes with the same name has been overwhelming. Maybe this just shows that aninspired move –and by all accounts a snap decision– sometimes pays off againstthe odds, leaving the manufacturer laughing all the way to the bank.
1. What led to a change in attitudes to brands?
A. the influence of consumers on each other
B. the personal circumstances of consumers
C. more sophisticated marketing
D. greater choice of products
2. According to the writer, an attribute of thethird age of branding is that __________.
A. competing products may serve their purpose equallywell.
B. the range of products available is too large forall to survive.
C. consumers are becoming confused about theproducts available.
D. price has become a key factor in consumers’choice of products.
3. The writer mentions manufacturers of breakfastcereals to illustrate how __________.
A. competition can have an impact on a product.
B. a brand can lose its popularity despite a strongmarket for the product.
C. advertising can affect sales of a product.
D. changes in the popularity of products can causedifficulties.
4. The writer argues that the stretch from sportsshoes into consumer electronics is likely to be successful because _________.
A. existing customers have demanded the newproducts.
B. they will be sold in the same outlets.
C. the new lines will expand the manufacturer’s market.
D. there is a connection in the way that the goodscan be used.
5. The writer argues that the stretch from softdrinks into clothing ________.
A. was a gamble which succeeded.
B. built on the popularity of certain types ofclothing.
C. showed the value of careful planning.
D. created production problems for themanufacturer.
6 The writer refers to railways to show that brands like this
A do not recognise the value of stretching.
B suffer from having an unattractive image.
C are unlikely to lend themselves to stretching.
D are notoriously difficult to advertise.