問題二:“執行力”用英文怎麽說 執行力
implementation capacity
The third part introduced the theoretical basis for the implementation capacityresearch. 第三部分先容了新疆地方 *** 執行力研究的理論基礎。
Feasible rules can produce perfect implementation capacity while improper rule *** ake enterprise get caught in one's own trap.
問題三:執行價格的英文怎麽說 執行價格
Execution price
問題四:執行結果用英文怎麽說 執行結果 [zhí xín jié uǒ]
[詞典] results of execution; results of enforcement;
Figure 2 shows the correct execution of the Java application with output shown inthe Console view.
問題五:"執行任務"用英語怎麽說 before taking the task
問題六:執行命令用英語怎麽說,急求! carry out orders