M(單膝跪地): will you marry me, my goddess[詞匯]? (拿出戒指) here's the ring, I promise that I will be faithful[詞匯] and take up responsibilities[詞匯] like a man!
F: oh wow, that's unexpected [詞匯]... hum... let me see...
M: Oh, honey[詞匯]... the diamond on the ring is not artificial [詞匯] like the previous 2 times, and dear, I promise you I will give you anything as far as I can.
F: huh.. you really think that high of yourself [詞組]. Here, listen, I have a boyfriend, and you can never replace [詞匯] him. I'm not Juliet, the princess [詞], and you're not my prince[詞].
M: But dear... Now I'm rich, I have a house and a car...
F: That's called rich? Look at my appearance [詞]. My fur coat [詞] is made from antelope [詞], my jewel [詞] worth 100,000,000,000 dollars... and you know how much cash [詞] I have in my wallet? To be honest, [詞], you can never be as rich as my boyfriend.
M: But... I'm still your former [詞]boyfriend...
F: Sure you are, and that's nothing! The reality [詞] is that I won't marry you even if every other man on the earth die out[詞]!
M: If it really happens that I'm the only one left on earth, do you really think I would be with you? Don't be so confident [詞] in yourself. And plus it's your boyfriend who's a millionare [詞], not you.
F: Oh(笑), thanks for your advice, but it's none of your business in any of this.
M: Hahaha... (笑)You really think I come here because I love you? I'm here because of truth or dare, my friends forced me to do it. Same with the previous two times. I hope I won't see you again from now on [詞匯]. Have fun with your valuable [詞匯] things, just keep in mind that they never really belong to [詞匯] you. Happiness never comes from money...
F: What are you talking about?
M: Well.. I guess you will never understand... Bye then, I won't miss you:)
完全手打啊!!!!有什麽建議我可以改,望采納…… 花了我好久QAQ