當前位置:成語大全網 - 成語詞典 - 簡單英文翻譯


歡迎來到中國! Welcome to China.

非常想妳! I miss you so much.

走吧! Let us go.

稍微等我壹下。 Wait me for a moment.

我給妳拍張照。let me take a picture for you.

妳給我拍。Please take a picture for me.

要不要兌換人民幣 Do you want to exchange RMB?

這邊(走)。This way please.

我們去酒店吧! Let us go to the hotel.

我們是做大巴還是打的? Shall we go by bus or by taxi?

非常高興見到妳! I am so glad to meet you.

坐飛機累了吧!are you tired after the airplane trip?

妳的護照。 Here is your passport.

我們去買電子詞典吧! Let us to to buy a electronic dictionary.

妳覺得哪個好?Which one do you think is better?

我們去吃晚飯吧!Let us go for supper.

我們去取行李吧!let us go to pick up the luggage.

這是我們很好的鄰居. This is our good neighbor。

流浪狗皮皮 妳好

妳說的對,i am so glade to see you 沒有nice to meet you 用的普遍

本來我也想用nice to meet you 但是覺得沒有表達出非常高興的這種情緒 哈哈 我多想了

另外 如果有什麽問題也可以發消息給我 我會盡我所知的告訴妳