我性格活潑開朗,善於思考。 I am lively and outgoing personality, good at thinking. 做事認真,追求完美。 Work seriously, pursuit of perfection. 並且具有壹定的組織能力,9年來壹直擔任班級的宣傳委員工作。 And has a certain organizational capabilities, work as a member of the class of publicity for 9 years. 我熱愛學習,在班級裏成績名列前茅,喜歡活學活用。 I love learning, among the best in class performance, like the ingenious. 我興趣廣泛,喜歡繪畫、手工、電腦、長跑以及遊泳等。 I have broad interests like painting, crafts, computers, long-distance running and swimming. 我曾多次在繪畫比賽以及科普競賽中獲得全國以及市級的榮譽稱號。 I have won the honorary title of national and municipal level in many science competitions and painting competitions. 洋涇中學是我心儀已久的學校,所以我非常向往在洋涇中學美麗的校園裏生活學習。 Yang Jing Middle school is my favorite school, so I am longing for the beautiful high school in the pigeon study of life on campus. 非常希望能有機會就讀與貴校。 Very much like to have the opportunity to attend your school.
在貴校如此優越的教學環境下,我會得到更好的發展。 With your school such favorable circumstances, I will achieve better development. 懇請貴校領導能接受我的申請,實現我的理想。 Wish school leaders could accept my application, help me achieve my ideal.