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逝世用英語怎麽說 逝世的英語翻譯?

逝世的英語有兩種說法,可以翻譯為 to expire,在日常中也可以翻譯為” pass away”,在《牛津英漢雙解詞典》中,***找到84個與逝世相關的翻譯和例句。

i nearly died in adoration ( 我差點在狂愛中逝世去 )

is not the way from birth to the end ( 不是生與逝世的距離 )

until my heart stops beating ( 逝世而後已 )

1. When all men of my family died,

2. The citizens deplored the death of their King.

3. i commiserate with you on the loss of your mother.

4. Your father died this afternoon.

5. “a native of the Big Yos, died…”

6. Williams: Pop superstar michael jackson has died at the age of 50.

譯文:流行天王Michael Jackson逝世 享年xx歲。

7. At this time, the suspect is still at large.

8. Seven. Lieutenant Zip died this morning.

9. What were the circumstances of his death?

10. What an enviable death was his.

11. Commissioner Diana McNeely died at 8:47 a.

12. And when your father died, how did that make you feel?

13. i condole with you on your father’s death.

14. if he dies. Mrs. Chou and their only daughter Jo

15. He perished in the Holocaust.
