About 30,000 species go extinct annually.
There is little doubt left in the minds of professional biologists that Earth is
currently faced with a mounting loss of species that threatens to rival the five
great mass extinctions of the geological past.
As long ago as 1993, Harvard biologist E.O. Wilson estimated that Earth is
currently losing something on the order of 30,000 species per year -- which
breaks down to the even more daunting statistic of some three species per hour.
早在1993年,哈佛壹名生物學家,E.O. Wilson就預測地球物種正在以每年30000種的速度消
失, 而這種令人心悸的預測則被更為恐怖的每小時3種的統計結果結束了.
Some biologists have begun to feel that this biodiversity crisis -- this "Sixth
Extinction" -- is even more severe, and more imminent, than Wilson had supposed.
The previous mass extinctions were due to natural causes.
壹些生物學家已經開始察覺到生物多樣性的危機了. Wilson預測說這次的第六次物種滅絕,
Extinction in the past
The major global biotic turnovers were all caused by physical events that lay
outside the normal climatic and other physical disturbances which species, and
entire ecosystems, experience and survive. What caused them?
* First major extinction (c. 440 mya): Climate change (relatively severe and
sudden global cooling) seems to have been at work at the first of these-the end
-Ordovician mass extinction that caused such pronounced change in marine life
(little or no life existed on land at that time). 25% of families lost (a family
may consist of a few to thousands of species).
第壹次大量物種滅絕(c.440 mya):較為嚴重的突然全球變冷似乎先發生,然後就有了
* Second major extinction (c. 370 mya): The next such event, near the end of
the Devonian Period, may or may not have been the result of global climate
change. 19% of families lost.
第二次大量物種滅絕(c. 370 mya):第二次類似的事件發生在大概泥盆紀結束的時候
* Third major Extinction (c. 245 mya): Scenarios explaining what happened at
the greatest mass extinction event of them all (so far, at least!) at the end of
the Permian Period have been complex amalgams of climate change perhaps rooted
in plate tectonics movements. Very recently, however, evidence suggests that a
bolide impact similar to the end-Cretaceous event may have been the cause. 54%
of families lost.
第三次大量物種滅絕(c. 245 mya):地質構造論中二叠紀發生的大範圍地殼運動和氣
* Fourth major extinction (c. 210 mya): The event at the end of the Triassic
Period, shortly after dinosaurs and mammals had first evolved, also remains
difficult to pin down in terms of precise causes. 23% of families lost.
第四次大量物種滅絕(c.210 mya):這次大量物種滅絕發生在發生在三疊紀後期,在進
* Fifth major extinction (c. 65 mya): Most famous, perhaps, was the most
recent of these events at the end-Cretaceous. It wiped out the remaining
terrestrial dinosaurs and marine ammonites, as well as many other species across
the phylogenetic spectrum, in all habitats sampled from the fossil record.
Consensus has emerged in the past decade that this event was caused by one
(possibly multiple) collisions between Earth and an extraterrestrial bolide
(probably cometary). Some geologists, however, point to the great volcanic event
that produced the Deccan traps of India as part of the chain of physical events
that disrupted ecosystems so severely that many species on land and sea rapidly
succumbed to extinction. 17% of families lost.
第五次大量物種滅絕(c. 65 mya):物種滅絕中最為著名的可能莫過於距離現在最近的
在白堊紀末發生的第五次物種滅絕. 根據對化石的研究發現,在這次物種滅絕中,陸地恐龍和
鸚鵡螺都完全消失. 有著同樣命運的還有許多物種譜中的生物. 在過去十年中,大家都認為
The current mass extinction is caused by humans.
How is the Sixth Extinction different from previous events?
At first glance, the physically caused extinction events of the past might seem
to have little or nothing to tell us about the current Sixth Extinction, which
is a patently human-caused event. For there is little doubt that humans are the
direct cause of ecosystem stress and species destruction in the modern world
through such activities as:
* transformation of the landscape
* overexploitation of species
* pollution
* the introduction of alien species
And because Homo sapiens is clearly a species of animal (however behaviorally
and ecologically peculiar an animal), the Sixth Extinction would seem to be the
first recorded global extinction event that has a biotic, rather than a
physical, cause.
We are bringing about massive changes in the environment.
Yet, upon further reflection, human impact on the planet is a direct analogue of
the Cretaceous cometary collision. Sixty-five million years ago that
extraterrestrial impact -- through its sheer explosive power, followed
immediately by its injections of so much debris into the upper reaches of the
atmosphere that global temperatures plummeted and, most critically,
photosynthesis was severely inhibited -- wreaked havoc on the living systems of
Earth. That is precisely what human beings are doing to the planet right now:
humans are causing vast physical changes on the planet.
Humans began disrupting the environment as soon as they appeared on Earth.
What is the Sixth Extinction?
We can divide the Sixth Extinction into two discrete phases:
* Phase One began when the first modern humans began to disperse to
different parts of the world about 100,000 years ago.
* Phase Two began about 10,000 years ago when humans turned to agriculture.