1. Over long period of time in our country, state enterprise is a main provider in respect to financial income of nation.
2. Those belonged to the latter approach pay much more attentions to the individuals.
3. ?in term of both economics and environment.
4. In other word, what do we think
5. The actual situation is far from such a simple.
6. In addition, the development of economy always has periods of rise as well as fall.
7. Since 1990's, ?globalization? has almost become an ?everyday word? of the mass media in various countries.
8. Those suffering more have to ask for aids from IMF and some western countries like U.S.
9. On June 5, 1972 in Stockholm, United Nations held its first UN conference on Human Settlement, for the first time raising human environment issue into the agenda of international politics.
10?capacity building thus becomes an only effective approach to sustainable development.
英語的名詞分可數名詞和不可數名詞,而且往往要和冠詞連用。例1中的period,enterprise和nation都是可數名詞。period在這裏是泛指,沒有說是哪壹段時間,因此要加不定冠詞,說a long period of time.enterprise在這裏也是泛指,泛指往往用復數,或用單數加定冠詞,表明這壹類的東西,因此這裏要說state enterprises,或the state enterprise, 既不用復數又不用冠詞是不行的。nation在這裏專指我國,壹定要加定冠詞,說the nation.例9中的issue也是專指,要加定冠詞。
英語有些名詞既可用作可數名詞,也可用作不可數名詞。如preparation(s),negotiation(s),experience(s), success(es)等。這兩種用法,其含義有時無大差異,有時略有不同。例2中的attention壹詞就屬於後壹種情況。據詞典解釋, attentions作為可數名詞的復數,意思是 things that sb does to try to please you or to show their interest in you. 因此,例2只能用attention,不能用其復數形式。
英語有些短語是非常固定的,叫做idioms,不能輕易改動,如in terms of,in other words,等等。因此,例3和例4中用名詞的單數形式是不行的。
英語許多詞可以用作不同的詞類,這在詞典裏都是標明的。但我們也不能隨心所欲。例5 such a後面要跟名詞,放個simple在那裏是不行的,其實這句話只要把such a刪去就行了。far from simple等於not simple,在語法上也是站得住腳的。
用 economy壹詞泛指壹個國家或地區的經濟狀況,要用定冠詞。詞典舉例: The economy is in recession. | The new oil that we have found will improve the/our economy. | the slowdown in the Japanese economy 此三例選自三本不同的詞典,但都用了the,有壹本詞典竟先說明(often the economy), 然後才釋義。
用英語表示?二十世紀九十年代?,應該是the 1990's.那壹撇是可有可無的,但定冠詞是壹定要有的。這壹點,許多譯者容易忽略。
例8裏的IMF要加定冠詞。詞典舉例: the IMF is an organization within the United Nations which is concerned with trade and economic development. 在例8中,U.S. 用作名詞,前面也須加定冠詞。再如?歐盟?的縮寫是the EU.詞典釋義中寫道: The EU used to be known as the EC(European Community)。這幾個名稱,the IMF, the EU, the United Nations,無論是簡稱還是全稱,在句子裏作為名詞出現時,都要加定冠詞。有沒有不加定冠詞的情況呢?有的。UNESCO,NATO,ASEAN,這些詞全不需要加定冠詞。有什麽規律可循呢?根據Michael Swan 所著 Practical English Usage(《英語用法指南》),首字母縮略詞(acronyms),其讀音像壹個詞壹樣,通常不用冠詞。
例10中的不定冠詞須改為定冠詞。根據Practical English Usage第65.4條,the經常與最高級連用,因為通常只有壹個個體或集體稱得上best或biggest等,其所指的是哪壹個(或哪壹些)是清楚的。由於同樣的原因,the經常與first,next,last,same 和only連用。詞典舉例:She is the only person for the job.
11.The influence of the related policies made by the government, including the policies which is considered afterwards to have played an active role in the development of the refrigerator industry, is secondary and supplementary.
12.The disparity between the poor and the rich in food consumption are not manifested in quantity, but in quality.
13.The first Constitution of the People's Republic of China which adopted on 1954 clearly indicates in its article 45:
14.Secondly, as mentioned above, the comparison make us to think over the reasons of different choices of welfare policies.
15.The rural people who made of the majority of the Chinese population did not enjoy these welfare.
16.After the World WarⅡ, the developed economies have been recovering and developing rapidly.
17.Who knows whether the SOE gains or losses?
18.Although all the states are facing the possibilities of either win or lost, the developed countries enjoy the more favorable position than the under-developed countries.
19.The government of Zhucheng town requested that the net asset in all Joint-Stock enterprises should be divided into two parts after fulfil their property assessment.
20.As a result, the more rapidly the country develops, the more tightly it is bounded to the international monetary and financial system.
例11 which引導的從句中有afterwards,此時間狀語的意思是?以後?,但其所指是過去發生的事,因此動詞的時態應是過去時。從句主語 which指的是前面的復數名詞policies,因此動詞應為復數。這樣從句就應改為which were considered?。 例12主語 disparity是單數,動詞應該是is?,而不應是are?。例13 which引導的從句指的是constitution,動詞應該用被動語態,因此應改為which was adopted?。
例14主語comparison是單數,動詞make需改為makes才能與主語的數壹致。另外,make後面出動詞不定式是不用to的,因此這個to 應刪去。例15 make後面跟of可以表示用什麽制作,但此處要表示to form,to constitute,就要用make up.詞典舉例: Women make up 56% of the student numbers.因此例15中的made of應改為made up.例9, raising the?issue into the agenda也不合乎英語說法,可改為putting the? issue on the agenda.
例16 先解決壹個冠詞問題。談到?二次大戰?之類的名稱,英語若數字後出,則不用冠詞,說Word WarⅡ就行了。若數字先出,則要定冠詞,要說the Second World War.這壹句主要是需要解決時間狀語和動詞時態壹致的問題。After Word WarⅡ指的是二次大戰結束後的壹段時間,壹般說來指的時間不太長,稍長壹點也可以,但不能指到現在,動詞只能是過去時。若想指到現在,就要說Since Word WarⅡ, 這樣動詞就可以用現在完成時或現在完成進行時。從例16的內容看,因提到recover,還是用過去時較好。這句話可改為After World WarⅡ, the developed economies recovered and developed rapidly.
英語動詞的形式變化多端。有時動詞和名詞的形式是壹樣的。如gain既可是動詞,也可是名詞。lose就比較復雜。動詞是lose,其過去時和過去分詞是lost,名詞是loss, 形容詞是loose.用哪種形式,全看它在句中起什麽作用。例17,和前面的動詞gains並列,就應該用動詞loses, 而不該用名詞losses.例18,在the possibilities of後面該用動名詞winning or losing.例19,在after後面也該用動名詞fulfilling.例20,後半句用了被動語態,但過去分詞bounded是不對的。此處動詞原形是bind,其過去分詞應是bound,因此這裏用is bound to?就對了。
21. When such a physical limit is reached, the food consumption and nutrition intake of the people would generally not increase despite of further rise in income.
22. There was already a lot of discussions about the crisis in the economic as well as technical levels.
23. On a certain degree, it is the goal but not the reality.
24. The property assessment in the enterprise must be assessed by professional staffs and institutions that passed examination of the state.
25. Having summed up the preliminary experience of reform in the cities and rural areas, the principle of?
26. We should, from a long-term point of view, make efforts in developing the rural economy to reduce rural-urban disparity, therefore, labor migration from urban to rural areas, driven by benefit, will appear.
27. The financial reform in China has made great progress, however, the whole financial market is still under restraint.
28. But the question is, health is everybody's basic right, what is the reason to legally enforce some people to donate their blood just for other people's health?
29. Government is no longer responsible for gain and loss in state enterprises since the reform, soft budget restriction in the enterprise changes more or less, the financial pressure for the enterprise aggravates.
30. The reform of state owned enterprise was set as a key part of overall economic reform at the beginning of 80's, since then the governments at central and local levels, entrepreneurs and economists have denoted much attentions and exerted many efforts to the reform, but one has to admit that comparing to the reforms in all the other fields in country, until now the reform of state enterprise is in the state of lowest point of ?efficiency of input -output?, from all views, the achievements we have made can not match the huge efforts (personnel resources, materials, finances and energies) we have exerted.
例21, despite就是介詞,等於in spite of,因此不能說despite of,也不能說in despite of.例22,levels前面不能用in.levels在這裏指的是討論問題的角度,前面可用on.例23,習慣說法應是To a certain degree.此外,例1中的 in respect to也是不行的。可以說in respect of,也可以說with respect to,這是固定的,是不能換的。例13中的on 1954也是不行的,on只能用於日期,這裏壹定要用in.
例24,主語是assessment,和動詞must be assessed不搭配。把assessment刪去,用property作主語,就和動詞搭配了。例25,分詞短語和主語不搭配,把principle換掉,用人來作主語就可以了。
在英語裏,therefore和however都是副詞,不是連詞,不能起連接分句的作用。詞典舉例: He's only 17 and therefore not eligible to vote. We thought the figures were correct. However, we have now discovered some errors. 例26,可在第1個分句末尾加and.例27,可將however前面的逗號改為分號,或將此逗號改為句號,下面另起壹句。
例29和例30就有這樣的問題。現在別的問題都不談了,只談長句裏面短句之間的聯系。例29有三個短句,只用逗號相連是不行的,至少要把第3個短句之前的逗號改為and.例30很長,它所包含的三個短句也都有壹定的長度,因此最好把它分成三句,從since then開始另起壹句,然後從 from all views開始再起壹句,這樣就好多了。