B:還沒有,不過相信在不久的將來,馬上就要面對了. Not yet, but I think I am going to do it soon.
A:如果妳是面試官的話,妳最看重哪些品質? If you were the interviewer, what quality is important for you.
A:我覺得個人的誠信,能力等等都很重要。 I think a person's honesty and ability are very important.
B:為什麽呢? why?
A:因為現在市場競爭越來越激烈,公司壹般都需要壹個優秀而全面的人才。 Because the market competition is more and more vigorous now, and the company needs a person who is excellent and comprehensive.
B:但是面試這麽短的時間能看出來嗎? Any way, can you find it out in an interview which is a short time?
A:不完全能,但是可以通過面試者的壹言壹行看出來。Not really, but depend on the person's acting and talking ability.
B:原來是這樣,看來面試很重要。 I see, interview is very important.
A:沒錯。 That's right.
B:讓我們現在就準備起來吧! Let's prepare it.
A:現在學生的壓力都很大。 Now, students have too much pressures.
B:是啊,特別是參加高考的學生. Yes, especially the students who are going to take the university entrance exam.
A:可是妳知道嗎?學生中其實壓力最大的大學生。 However, do you know that, the most stressful students are college students.
B:哦?這是為什麽啊? Really? Why?
A:因為他們將要面對蹋上社會,就業等多方面的壓力。Because they are going to join the society, and find a job, they are the pressures of students.
B:原來是這樣,我聽說現在大學生自殺率很高,I see, and it says that the rate of college students suicide is very high now.
A:是啊,國家開始重視這方面問題了。 Yes, the government is starting to focus on this problem now.
B:所以現在很多學校都有心理健康室。Therefore, many universities have psychological clinic.
A:我想這肯定對那些大學生有很大幫助的。I think it must helps college students a lot.
B:沒錯,我們也應該多關心壹下身邊同學。Sure, we should care more about our classmates.
說的全是英語白話, 應該比較好背